Understand also that the shiny armors or the latest gadgets of the Sauls who have lost favor with God are not more effective than your stone age tools if you are in right standing with Him, because if they were, Saul would have worn his own armor and gone to fight Goliath but he was unable to do so. Therefore, combine your confidence in God’s ability to help you with confidence in your God-given abilities and you will achieve your goals.
Therefore this tree which looks just like a good apple tree, is judged to be a bad tree because of the effects of its bad fruits. So, if your methods of ministering are judged as “bad” by society and the powers that be, do not receive their condemnation and stop working the way God has called you to work. Let the effects of your ministry speak for you and justify your methods the way those of Jesus did.
4. Wisdom is justified by her children
This means that a good tree is defended by its good fruits and a bad tree condemned by its bad fruits even if it looks like a good tree. A perfect example of such a tree is the Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella). This tree is also known as the “little apple of death” because even though its leaves and fruits resemble those of an apple tree, it is a very poisonous tree. Its “little apples” cause severe d X\??XH[???Z][???X??[?XY?X]?[?^H\?HX][??]??]H?\?]\?\??\?\?[???H??[?[?Y?H?YH\??\??]??[??H?[??]\?H?[??\??Y?[?\??H^Y\??Y?H