The seventh Biblical example of God using “imperfect people” who were perfect for His perfect plans is Mary. Mary was imperfect by human standards for God’s perfect plan of giving birth and raising His only Son Jesus Christ because she did not have any children for she was a virgin. (Luke 1:27) She also wondered how she could accomplish that feat for she asked Angel Gabriel, How can this be since I do not know a man? (Luke 1:34) Furthermore, Mary was also not even married and when her fiancé Joseph discovered that she was pregnant, he begun to think of how he would terminate their relationship. (Matthew 1:19) Therefore if you are inexperienced as per the world’s standards, with regards to the task that God is asking you to perform, understand that God’s power, manifested through His Holy Spirit, is all the qualifications that you need to accomplish His great task. Understand also that should you begin facing problems as you begin doing what God has called you to do, God can solve those problems for you the way He intervened for Mary and told Joseph to marry her.
With God nothing will be impossible. (Matthew 1:37)
God is able to make you successful where you had previously failed because With God nothing will be impossible (Matthew 1:37) for He was able to make Mary’s relative Elizabeth, an old woman Who was called barren, (Matthew 1:36) conceive and give birth to John the Baptist at around the same time.
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