The Health Box Magazine April 2014 | Page 10
ebate continues to rage over the ever
popular ‘crunch’ or ‘sit up’ and rotational core exercises. Gyms goers
continue to train the spine movements of flexion and rotation.
The question is what’s right and what’s wrong?
The 3 parts of the spine discussed in this article
are the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine all of
which have varying degrees of movement and
functions on the body.
Jono will be taking us
through a 3 part series
on back strengthening,
with his top exercises
featured once a month
The biggest myth in the fitness industry is that
hours of crunches and sit-ups will give you a
highly definitive 6 pack! This is false!
Abs start and end in the kitchen, what you’re
feeding yourself and the way your body controls
hormones when you eat is highly dependent on
whether or not you’re going to have abs.
Because of this misunderstanding it leads many
individuals and health professionals to poorly
construct spinal exercises that end up causing
pain and possibly disc injuries.
The cervical has 7 vertebras (spinal bones) and is
designed to support the head whilst providing
What is important is controlling the range of
the ability to flex, extend and rotate.
motion we have, rather then forcing the spine
into crazy positions it wasn’t designed to go to.
Next is the thoracic spine, it has 12 vertebrae’s
and once again is designed to flex, extend and
We need to understand that training the trunk is
aid rotation (around 500).
about incorporating total body movements that
force us to reactively stabilise. Rather than bendLastly is the lumbar spine, As we move down
ing our back over and over in the bid for a crazy
into this region of the spine it is here that we lose 6 pack
our ability to rotate, flex and extend due to physDoing things the right way will mean less injuiological make up of the vertebrae’s.
ries when we exercise. Wouldn’t that be great!
So what does this actually mean and how does
this apply when we exercise?
Expert Author:
Jono Freeman
Accredited Exercise Physiologist
Health, Rehabilitation and Athletic Performance
© 2014 The Health Box Magazine