The Hawkamah Journal issue 01/2013 | Page 34

7. Attract experienced and Independent Non-Executive Directors onto the Board 9. If it’s a family business then establish a family constitution and its business subscribe to and must describe the roles and function of all the challenge of selecting a candidate ought to understand corporate governance but should respect the of corporate governance 10. Realise that corporate governance is IN YOUR INTEREST! will be trusted by the various parties and 8. Establish an Audit and Risk Committee and recognise that the governance of risk is a Board responsibility corporate governance should not be at the cost of these traits and traditional it’s suggested that the individuals on this committee have a strong generally recommended that the committee is comprised of a majority Hawkamah-S&P ESG Index outperformed the market. companies have and an effective internal control environment is another fundamental because it develops a deeper insight all organisations must continuously 32