5. This really has been pioneering work. With
the evolution of corporate governance in the
region, the challenges have also changed,
meaning that the Institute has had to evolve.
Hawkamah is also a very unique organization
in that similar institutes do not exist in other
parts of the world. What challenges has this
brought to your work?
corporate governance practices in the region continues
its credibility as a serious regional voice for corporate
strategic alignment and coalition building efforts with
to be a serious corporate governance advocate while
6. Looking back, if there is one thing you could
change in the evolution of Hawkamah, what
would this be and why?
its partners have limited resources; joining together
develop special interest groups that would be supportive
of broader corporate governance reforms such as the
7. How important have Hawkamah’s partners
been to its work?
ambitious goal of ‘bridging the corporate governance
building and developing active relationships with