The Hammontonian Fall Edition | Page 7

LOCAL FOCUS THE HAMMONTONIAN | OCTOBER 2023 | P . 7 GUERRIER , from P . 6 has his eyes on the future and
where it can take his sports photography . It ’ s just he knows how to create an image within an image . Like there ’ s a lot of photographers out here that can compose an image to get lighting correctly , but I feel like when I look at his like photos , I always get like jealous ,” Guerrier said .
“ I have not worked with any college programs yet , or teams . But next year , when I go to college , I plan to go to Rowan . And so , I want to try to get working with their sports teams ,” Guerrier said . “ And hopefully , that can give me some exposure , eventually I want to get a job at a college or wherever it takes me . Even if it ’ s a small college , it will definitely branch me out further than where I am now .”
Photos Courtesy of Lukas Guerrier
Being a sports photographer is not an easy feat , and Guerrier encourages others looking to pursue this field to be all in on it for the love of the process .
“ I would say , if you ’ re dedicated , actually be dedicated . Don ’ t just do it for money . I see a lot of people just picking up the camera and trying to make money off of it when they shouldn ’ t be doing that , to say the least , but I would just say have fun with it .” Guerrier said .