The Hammonton Gazette 12/11/24 Edition

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Hammonton Insider : One-on-One with Congressman Jeff Van Drew

See Inside
Volume 28 • Issue 50 hammontongazette . com Wednesday , December 11 , 2024
$ 1 00

Santa brings magic to tree lighting

See Page 30 for Story & Photos

Rotary hosts a Winterfest wonderland

HAMMONTON — The Rotary Club of Hammonton held the second annual Winterfest on December 7-8 at the Mt . Carmel carnival grounds located at 1 Mount Carmel Lane .
People enjoyed family fun activities
and shopped handcrafted goods . There were about 40 vendors in a spacious 5,000 square foot heated tent .
This year was the first year where there was live entertainment from the Hammonton High School chorus and jazz band as well as entertainment from the cast of Elf the Musical Jr . of Triple
Threat Workshop and the Eagle Theatre .
There were also fun activities for children including pictures with Santa , crafts , balloon art , face painting , smores and letters to Santa .
Members of the Rotary Club said the reason behind Winterfest is to give back to the community .
During Winterfest , people also had the opportunity to help local families by brining unwrapped toys and nonperishable food items to donate .
The Rotary Club thanks volunteers and sponsors for making Winterfest possible .
See Page 6 for photos from Winterfest .

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