Public heard on Hammonton Lake at mtg. at town hall
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
LaKe, from Page 1
meyer introduced the members of
the subcommittee, each gave a
brief background about themselves
and their connection to Hammonton Lake.
William Parkhurst has lived on
the lake since 1963. He recently
wrote a column of the history of
the lake, which was published in
The Gazette.
“i’ve seen the good and the bad
… What is the state of the lake
today? i graded the lake as excellent on the aesthetics, on the fishing, on the recreation, and i put a
question mark on the swimming,
which is what we can discuss
tonight. What really caught a lot of
people’s attention this summer was
that we had a temporary high flush
of bladderwort. Once you use the
treatment, it takes it away almost
completely, but it keeps coming
back year after year. We knew it
was coming, so we sent the bids
out [to town council]. they came
back with an extravagant price of
$27,000,” Parkhurst said.
Paul Galletta read an article he
wrote that was published and
listed what the committee had decided were “10 important steps” as
far as future maintenance and the
state of the lake were concerned.
Councilman Steven furgione
talked briefly about the lake and
the lake park, referencing that the
use of facilities are at an all-time
high and thanking the Kiwanis
Club for the beautiful work they
did over the past few months. He
made it known that bathroom renovations are being worked on and
that the bladderwort will be
sprayed this coming spring.
timothy McWilliams is a senior
at Stockton