Hammonton Cancer Foundation Dinner is largest ever
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
DINNER, from Page 2
94.3 fM., was the master of cere-
monies for the night’s events.
Pittman, a 2010 graduate of Ham-
monton High School, was proud to
be a part of the evening’s line-up.
“i think it’s important that peo-
ple come together. it’s a night that
we can put aside any differences
that we have and come together
for a common purpose. i think we
all have to realize that life is short;
life is precious, and the only per-
son who knows when time is up is
God. it’s foundations like this that
come together to help people, and
i like to be involved in anything
that’s going to make somebody’s
life easier,” Pittman said.
During his opening remarks,
Mauriello made sure to recognize
the tireless work of each of the
members of the HCf, asking them
to stand and be recognized.
“these are the people doing all
the legwork, putting events like
this, and our Walk, together. they
give of their time, they’re ex-
tremely generous in both money
and time. What i find important
for you all to know is that every
member in our organization, when
they come to our event, pays.
When they come to our walk, they
pay. So, in addition to doing all the
work, they register and pay just
like everybody else. So it’s a com-
pletely selfless act for all of our
members,” Mauriello said.
Mauriello also noted the support
the HCf has received from area businesses, community members
and other residents, and what that
has meant for the foundation’s
continued success.
“What that has done has al-
lowed us to raise and donate, in the
last 12 years, over $350,000. i’m
very proud and excited about
that,” Mauriello said.
Mauriello brought particular at-
tention to a recent fundraiser by
the Hammonton Police Depart-
ment, the proceeds of which will
be donated to the HCf.
“they did a fundraiser selling
pink badges for the month of Oc-
tober, and they’re going to be pre-
FIRE, from Page 2
teer fire Co. No. 2. Some were
bedbound and some were wheel-
chair bound. all received care from
brought meals and medicine to all
patients while they were in the fire
department building,” friel said.
Hammonton Center Spokesper-
son Jeff Jacomowitz also issued a
release regarding the fire.
“During the morning of October
27 at the Hammonton Center of
Nursing rehabilitation in Ham-
monton, NJ, a one-room fire broke
out on the first floor that was im-
mediately attended to by staff call-
ing 9-1-1. No one was hurt. the
staff, quickly and safely, executed an evacuation of residents and fel-
low staff from the first floor.
Within minutes the fire was [extin-
guished] by the local fire depart-
ment. residents, who have rooms
on the first floor but not in the
same wing as the room that was on
fire, were free to return. as of
12:30 p.m. [October 27], the clean-
up has been completed and resi-
dents from the same wing where
the fire was have returned to their
rooms, except in the lone fire-dam-
aged room. Leadership at Ham-
monton Center is working closely
with the fire department with re-
gards to this matter,” Jacomowitz
said in a release.
Fire at Hammonton Center
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senting our organization with a
check on thursday, October 31, so
thank you to the Hammonton Po-
lice Department,” Mauriello said.
Mauriello also thanked tales of
the Olive for their October
fundraising event; ron and Kerri
fisher of ron’s Gardens & Gift
Shop, for donating mums and cen-
terpieces; Winslow Boy Scout
troop 251, for helping set up
Winslow Manor’s engine bay to
make room for auction items; tina
Briglia and Winslow Manor, for
their continued support; Hammon-
ton Board of education and Ham-
monton town Council (both of
whom had members in atten-
dance); frank italiano of franken-
stein Design; and the Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel Society.
“We have a great relationship
with them, and unfortunately have
had some members and spouses
that have lost during this year to
this battle,” Mauriello said.
at the close of Mauriello’s re-
marks, members of Dance Magic
Dance Company—who were there
as part of the evening’s entertain-
ment bill—had a surprise for Mau-
riello. During the past year, Dance
Magic held two fundraisers: a
clothing drive, where they col-
lected more than 350 bags of
clothing, and a basket raffle. they
then presented Mauriello with a
$1,500 check, representing the
See CANCER, Page 20
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