Noticias en español
p . 18-19
News from Uptown
p . 20-21
Fall Home & Garden Section
p . 23-30
A fiesta for Third Thursday
p . 16-17
Wednesday , September 27 , 2023
Volume 27 • Issue 39
HAMMONTON — The turf field at Moss Mill Park is expected to be done between Sept . 24 and Sept . 30 . Most of the field has been laid down and is in place . Councilman Steve Furgione said that the field is about two-thirds of the way done .
“ I will say , at this point in time , by the middle or end of next week , this thing is done , tested , finished , ready to go ,” Furgione said .
Both Furgione and Councilman Sam Rodio think the field looks “ beautiful ” after seeing what has been laid down so far .
Furgione mentioned that he wanted to have members from the Hammonton Youth Soccer Association
HAMMONTON — Allies in Caring ( AIC ) celebrated the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month outside Convivir Wellness Hub on South Second Street on Sept . 15 .
The event included traditional dances , poetry readings , an art exhibit , kid crafts and a soccer tournament .
AIC Communications Specialist Tania Rivera was the master of ceremonies at the event who introduced speakers and translated when needed .
“ Welcome to our exciting kickoff of the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month ,” Rivera said . “ It is an honor and a privilege to be here today as we come together as a community to celebrate and honor the rich and diverse heritage that the Hispanic culture brings us .”
AIC Founder and CEO Ivette Guillermo-McGahee later spoke .
“ Thank you to everyone who has joined us today . This is the third year that we are celebrating
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Hispanic Heritage Month Kicks off with event
Kristin Guglietti / THG
Allies in Caring celebrated the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month outside Convivir Wellness Hub on S . Second St . on Sept . 15 . Pictured are Baile Folklorico with Tania Rivera ( second from left ) and Copelia Morales ( third from right ). For more photos , see Page 4 . by Kristin Guglietti GAZETTE STAFF WRITER
Hispanic Heritage Month ,” Guillermo-McGahee said . “ I celebrate this with gratitude today . The town of Hammonton who has embraced us , our culture and this celebration has contributed to significant change in Hammonton .”
Guillermo-McGahee talked about the significance of Hispanic Heritage Month .
“ We know Allies in Caring as an organization that provides mental health services and promotes well-being that embracing who we are , our culture , our identity and having a strong sense of belonging is what contributes to our health and well-being , so this is why we feel that this is very significant ,” Guillermo-McGahee said . “ It ’ s beyond just an entertaining event . It ’ s not just for entertaining . It ’ s really to help us embrace who we are , embrace our culture and our identity . And this is an event that is possible thanks to our collaboration of many partners of the Hammonton Health Coalition .”
She thanked the volunteers for helping with the event .
See KICKOFF , Page 4
Moss Mill Park turf field almost complete
by Donald Yamasaki FOR THE GAZETTE
SMMCP Carnival and Fall Festival coming Oct . 5-8
“ The fall festival idea was already there by the parishioners of St . Anthony Church . They had started the fall festival , and last year we decided we could try to add the carnival , and one of our parishioners suggested it and we looked into it and it seemed like it made sense so we did ,” Rivera said .
The carnival was added last year to the fall festival .
“ Last year with the addition of carnival , it really expanded , and a lot of people really appreciated the addition of the carnival especially in October when there ’ s not too much to do in the area , so it was very successful . And this year we ’ re going to have more live music and some expanded rides for the carnival , and so we ’ re excited about that ,” Rivera said .
Rivera said the Carnival and Fall Festival is not only a fundraiser for the parby Kristin Guglietti GAZETTE STAFF WRITER
HAMMONTON — Festivalgoers will get to enjoy carnival rides , delicious food and live music during the St . Mary of Mt . Carmel Parish ’ s ( SMMCP ) Carnival and Fall Festival , which will be held at St . Anthony Picnic Grounds at 285 Route 206 from Oct . 5 to Oct . 8 .
SMMCP Pastor The Rev . David Rivera said there will be more carnival rides this year .
“ We ’ ll have more carnival rides this year . The carnival company hasn ’ t told me which ones exactly they ’ re bringing , but one of the things they ’ re hoping to bring is a Ferris wheel , so we ’ re hoping to have a Ferris wheel for the carnival ,” Rivera said .
The idea for the fall festival came from the parishioners of St . Anthony of Padua Church .
See SMMCP , Page 3
( HYSA ), St . Joseph Academy and others to discuss how things like the lighting controls work and just making sure everybody is on the same page .
The Commission was made aware that there is a problem with the transformer near the field that affects the lights and the electricity surrounding . A lighting con-
See PARKS , Page 8
Ribbon cutting at The Shoppes
Kristin Guglietti / THG
The Shoppes held a ribbon cutting ceremony at 128 Bellevue Ave . on Sept . 21 . Pictured ( l-r ): Councilman Ed Wuillermin , Allison Caracciolo-Gallagher , Robert Egan , owner Amber Egan , Andrew Egan , Corinne Egan , MainStreet Hammonton Executive Director Mica McCullough and Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director John Runfolo .
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