Kramer Hall plans helping to create ‘college town’
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
KRAMER, from Page 1
“the ultimate plan for Kramer
Hall is to strategically identify
specific academic courses and
programs that align well with our
students’ degree completion plans.
in an effort to support the opening
of our atlantic City site, the number of academic courses offered at
Kramer Hall was decreased for
both the summer and fall semesters. in response to this decision,
new markets were researched and
targeted through the use of innovative social media marketing efforts. in addition, we designed and
implemented several online surveys and assessment tools which
provided the University with
meaningful data to help inform
which academic, continuing education and professional training
programs we might offer in the future at our Hammonton site,”
Conran-Folks said.
there are two classes taking
place at Kramer Hall during the
fall semester, and there is certainly
a lot to be excited about now.
Kramer Hall now serves as a
satellite location for Stockton’s
New Jersey Child Welfare operation and already has sponsored
more than 70 workshops at their
site this year.
they have begun facilitating
SCOSa (Stockton Center on Successful aging) technology Workshops that allow older members
of the community to learn things
like computer basics and social
media use. the Great Hammonton Chamber of Commerce’s education Committee has hosted
events in their building and plans
to continue doing so.
“We have a lot going on, and
the spring semester schedules are
already being made now. We’re
really trying to use as much data
and survey information strategically to help inform what will be
the best program that might fit
here,” Conran-Folks said.
Kramer Hall recently received
a Provost grant that will fund the
Hammonton History Project. the
project will feature digitized images that display the various as-
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pects of the rich history and culture that is Hammonton. the project will prepare residents for the
Hammonton Sesquicentennial celebration that will take place in
every third thursday, they host
an event called “Jammonton,” that
allows acoustic artists to come and
share their music with staff at the
building and the people in the
community. they have hosted the
atlantic County teen arts Festival for three years running. the
festival features more than 1,000
See STOCKTON, Page 10