The Hammonton Gazette 09/15/21 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , September 15 , 2021 • The Hammonton Gazette

Hearing held for grant funding for aDa-compliant facilities

TOWN , from Page 1 ing is a “ process component ” to applying for the CDBG .
“ We have to hold one public meeting , and this is the meeting today . The full scope of the project has not been determined , but it ’ s my understanding that Hammonton will apply for funding for additional ADA [ Americans with Disabilities Act ] -compliant facilities at Hammonton Lake Park ,” Prince said .
According to handout material available at the hearing , the town of Hammonton “ is considering submitting a Public Facilities application for $ 400,000 for the development of Americans With Disabilities ( ADA ) -compliant facilities at Hammonton Lake Park .” The material stated that Small Cities has $ 6,951,529 available for Fiscal Year 2022 in four categories : Housing Rehabilitation , $ 1,034,747 ; Public Facilities , $ 4,591,940 ; Innovative Development , $ 1,014,823 ; Emergency House Repair , $ 20,000 .
“ The ADA falls under Public Facilities ,” Prince said .
The maximum grant for Public Facilities is $ 400,000 , which is the amount for which Hammonton is applying . Hammonton would also be responsible for 10 percent matching funds , which would total $ 40,000 .
Town clerk Frank Zuber explained the progress made thus far .
“ We had a meeting last week with individual departments — like the Bulldogs , the soccer association and other groups in town — and we wanted to get a synopsis of what ideas they have as far as enhancing all the parks and recs ; not just ADA , but everything . We ’ re getting feedback , and we ’ re working with a landscape architect to come up with a plan ,” Zuber said .
Prince clarified that this particular grant is only for ADA compliance only .
“ The ADA is very particular as to what consists of ADA upgrades to public facilities , so it would be a more narrow definition to fit their strict guidelines . Aside from what you guys are thinking about , I have not been privy to that . I ’ m more of a process person , at this point ,” Prince said .
Prince said that the grant application needs to be submitted no later than September 24 . Zuber inquired as to how long after the deadline grants would be approved .
“ I ’ m not sure how long the process is ; I know it ’ s extensive . There ’ s also all the environmental components that need to be looked at , depending on what ’ s done ,” Prince said . Zuber asked how competitive the grant program is , and Prince replied .
“ It depends on how many communities apply , and the projects themselves , if there are any outstanding issues ... A lot of towns , because of COVID , haven ’ t been able to complete their projects for a variety of reasons , whether it ’ s equipment or getting materials , which is difficult . I ’ m sure they are factoring that into the grants , as well ,” Prince said .
Despite a deadline three weeks after the public meeting , Zuber expressed confidence that the application would be completed in time .
“ We have to . There ’ s no ifs , ands or buts . We have to ,” Zuber said .
Prince concurred , noting similar conversations with her colleague at Triad , Jake Botticello .
“ He ’ s been through the process a few times , and he says it ’ s doable . It ’ s not unusual to get a grant , and then just go . There ’ s a lot of stuff that we can do and are doing before the details are ironed out , like some paperwork that has to be submitted ,” Prince said .
That paperwork includes two plans , an affidavit for publication and the passage of the following five resolutions at the August 23 meeting of town council :
• Resolution No . 108-2021 , Approval of the Submission of an Application by the Town of Hammonton for a New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Infrastructure Improvements Grant for up $ 400,000 for Infrastructure Improvements in the Town .
• Resolution No . 109-2021 , Identifying Frank Zuber as CDBG Fair Housing Officer , Public Facilities Fund : Infrastructure Improvements in the Community .
• Resolution No . 110-2021 , Approve Grant Management Plan for FY2022 Small Cities Programs , Public Facilities Fund : Infrastructure Improvements in the Community .
• Resolution No . 111-2021 , Approve Citizens Participation Plan for FY2022 Small Cities Programs , Public Facilities Fund : Infrastructure Improvement Project .
• Resolution No . 112-2021 , Commit to Competitive Contracting for Small Cities Grant .
“ Those are all the particulars that are required through the grant process , and those are some of the things we can do pre-knowing what the details of the project are , and picking a category helped . It ’ s a step , and you know the location . It ’ s just a matter of figuring out your wants and how they fit into
the grant , and going from there ... the notice for the funding came out late this year , hence the quick turnaround for the resolutions , because it was just announced and the window was really narrow ,” Prince said . Zuber described the next steps in the application process .
“ We ’ ll get the information from the meeting we had together . Barbara is currently going back and forth with Dave Cella at ARH [ Adams , Rehmann and Heggan Associates ], and we ’ ll get information and move forward , put it in the grant application and go from there . We don ’ t know when we ’ re going to hear , but hopefully we ’ ll find out sooner than later that we ’ ll get the grant ,” Zuber
HAMMONTON — A warrant arrest was made at 3:03 a . m . on September 6 following a motor vehicle stop on the prime block of S . White Horse Pike , Hammonton Police Chief Kevin Friel said .
Officer Kyle Ambrozaitis stopped a vehicle for fictitious plates , Friel said .
The driver , Wayne R . Farmer , 34 , of Williamstown was found to be driving while suspended , Friel said .
Friel said the vehicle was also found to be unregistered and uninsured , and Farmer was found to have two warrants , one from Monroe Twp . in the amount of $ 1,001 and one from Westville for $ 750 .
Farmer was charged with the following : driving while suspended , unregistered vehicle , said . Zuber said that this was the only public meeting prior to grant application submission .
“ We ’ ll put an ordinance in place if we do get the grant , and then they ’ ll be a public hearing on the ordinance and they can ask all kinds of questions there at that meeting ,” Zuber said .
The town of Hammonton was previously awarded a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $ 400,000 — with the town providing $ 40,000 in matching funds — for the installation of ADA-compliant playground equipment at Cpt . Gerard V . Palma Memorial Playground in Hammonton Lake Park .

Warrant arrest made

by Gabe Donio
GAZETTE STAFF WRITER uninsured vehicle and improper display of license plates , Friel said . Ambrozaitis was the arresting and charging officer , Friel said .