The Hammonton Gazette 081413 | Page 3

DAUGHTER, from?Page 1 car. “My dad only comes home at dark,” Capelli said. “No honey, not your daddy. I want you to open the door when you see my policeman come to your front door,” Slimm replied. “All right,” Capelli said. Slimm talked with the young girl about entering first grade. Capelli Daughter calls 911 for help for unresponsive mother will be a first grade student at the Early Childhood Education Center in September. Slimm kept a calm voice and kept the youngster calm with questions about the upcoming school year mixed with a couple of questions about Chiappine and her health. When Hammonton Police Officer John Panarello arrived, Slimm asked Capelli to open the door for the officer. “We had gone to McDonald’s, came home, ate breakfast. I made a phone call, it lasted three minutes, call ended 9:57. At 10:03, was when the call was made [to 911],” Chiappine said. Chiappine said she went to the bathroom with the door ajar because they were the only two in the house. Chiappine said she fell but doesn’t remember the fall. I was told my “eyes were open, not responding to anything,” Chiappine said. The police arrived first. Officer John Panarello arrived in “a matter of minutes, three minutes, if that,” Lt. Kevin Friel said. “First thing I remember, I only remember bits and pieces. The first thing I did was vomit. [I] Started coming around in Chesilhurst. According to the paramedics, asking where was my daughter?” Chiappine said. Capelli was in the ambulance with her mother. Chiappine came home on August 5 after being treated and tested for massive anemia, she said. Chiappine said she was aware she had the illness. “My body will not absorb nutrients,” Chiappine said. She said her daughter heard her fall and came to help her. When Chiappine wouldn’t respond, Capelli called 911. She said her daughter told her, “I ran and grabbed your phone and called 911. I was shocked that she did that.” “She is an old soul — very concerned about others and very intuitive about how you feel,” Chiappine said. “It is very important for parents to go over the use of 911 and practice it with their children with [the parent] role playing as the 911 dispatcher,” Friel said. Chiappine told The Gazette she practiced with he ?]Y?\??][\H???\?[??\?[? ?H?X?X?Y?]?\[H\?[??HT?H?X?]\?H]????Y??\?[?H[?H?\?H?K?8?'H?\?YXX?[??\?]\??[??YK?X??]H[?Y??H?X[^?Y?H?\??&]??????X??\??H?^\Y?^HT?K?H?[?[H]Y?\?] 8?'H?X\[?H?ZY ??X\[?H?ZY?H???Y?]\?]Y?\?[?H?[HX[??\?H?X?X?H??Y[?\??8?'H?X?\?][?[?H[Y\??[??H?]X][?[?H?X?X?H??Z[?[???Y??Z[?[?H\????[XZ[??[H[?]?]X][?8?'H??Y[?ZY ???Y[?H?^?]H]?X\[?HXYH\?]Y?\?]?\?H?\?YYX?[??][??8?'?HYX?X[H\??\??Y?]\?]Y?\??Y??HX??]\?YYX?[??][??\??\??[??][???Y?\?^K]Y?\? M  ? L?8?(?H[[[???^?]H8?(?Y?H [H]?H\???X\?[?[?Y]K8?'H??Y[?ZY ???Y[?ZY?[?[?]?H?[YLLH?Y??K?8?'?H]?HY]\[??]?[?\?K?\?\???[?\??]Y[??Y[? ??H]?H[???X?Y?Y??H]H????[?]??[][?]H]?[??X??]H\?H?LLK8?'H??Y[?ZY ???Y[[???\?Y?Y\?[???[?[???[?[??XX?[H????[LLK[?????]?HH\?]?\?[H?Y?[???X][??8?'^x?&\?H?]?\???[?[???XX? ?Y?[?H[??]??[??&]\[??[?K[??Y?Z[??H?]?\??Y?H??[?[H?^H?^YX\??]Y?\?8?'H?X\[?H?ZY ?8?']\??X[H?X\?Y??\??H?[\]YH??[?Y?K?H\?[?Y?[?][H??????\?X?[]H[????Y?XX?H?Z\??[\?K?[???Y??[?\?H[?TY]Y?H ?????[???Y???[?HX?H?X[LLH?H?\?H?H]]Y?H?]?[??Y??K8?'H??Y[?ZY ??]?[??ZYH]Y?\????[?[??[?^H?\?H[?[??\????\?HLLK?8?'Y?[?H?X?X?H?][K[???\?H??[?????X\?Y\??[H^H\?H[?[???]H\?]?\??H\?]?\?\?H\?[YH?][??H?Y???H?[HY?\?\?H?\??[YH^H]?H]?\??[YLLK8?'H??Y[?ZYY[??]\?]?\??\?H?Z[?Y?????]?Y??[?^H?[LLK???S?T??Q?HT??B?S?H?UT??UUK???TP?QB??X?]\? ?^?Y]?\?H?[]?Z[X?K???YH?\??X?[??\K?? ?JH M?KLM?M????[?^HH\?????Z]?[]HB????? ? ???SYY?[??\X??\? ? NM?H?T ??H?][SYY?[???YHLLK8?"Y?H ??H  H ??M ?M?? M?KLL ?? M?KL?NM??[?????T?PS? ??T?PS?]??^\?]]? H?\??[??[[?\?\???[[??\?H?YY??LH??]H??HZ?H8?(?[???K?????T?S?T?HS??T?QS?S?P??QS??? H??]H??HZ?H8?(?[[[??8?(? M??L? B?]]?X??Y[??8?(?[???X?HX??Y[???\[??[?8?(????]\?8?(?????X?[?X??Y[????[X]8?(???YH???[][????(??X\?x?"?\?X[?[??8?(??X?H?[]?8?(??\X??\?Y?X?][??8?(??][???\??X?B???[YY??H][X[???8?'?[?Y 8?'HH?\?? ?X[[?^??\??] ??X?]?]??\??\\?[?Y?\???X[??H8?%[??Y?X?H?X]]H?[?\??K???L?H??]H??HZ?H8?(?[[[??8?(? M?KM???????T??H?QS???S??8?(??TRT????TUQ??SRT?T?? B???[?[??[??]?Z[X?B????[?[??[?????[\?\?H??\?Y?H?[??\????[?[??X[?][?[?[???]\??Y?Y] ??YH??H??]Z[???