The Hammonton Gazette 08/08/18 Edition

IN NEWS: The latest on the town’s deal to purchase Frog Rock, the planning board and affordable housing, Mayor Stephen DiDonato’s ribbon cutting at the renovated Maplewood and “Discovering Yesterday,” an effort by a local woman to help others find their ancestors.

IN OPINION: Editorials, cartoons, a column by Gabe Donio and the “Quote of the Week” are all in this week’s edition.

IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: A movie review, columns, articles, listings and more!

AND IN SPORTS: The Hot Shots are in the Atlantic County Baseball League Finals. Read how they made it there and what their chances for a championship are in this week’s Gazette.

AND REMEMBER: You can watch “Gazette Sports Week” 24/7 at or on the big TVs at Rocco’s Town House, Andy’s Pizza, The Alley at DiDonato Family Fun Center and West End Grill.