St. Joe teens talk about their use of social media sites
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3
by Sydney Shuster
Gazette CONtriBUtiNG Writer
HaMMONtON—How often
do local teenagers use social
media sites?
according to Penn Medicine, a
teenager who spends two hours on
the internet uses 80 percent of that
time on a social media website. a
recent report by The Atlantic
states that facebook has the most
daily users as recorded by a survey of 7,000 teens. instagram has
the most engaged users, while
Youtube has the most widespread
usage. Other popular social media
sites include: twitter, Pinterest,
Vine, reddit, tumblr, Kik,
Snapchat, Pheed, Wanelo, and
(609) 561-1616
five high school students were
asked about which social media
sites they use and how they feel
about them.
“i use instagram. i used to use
multiple platforms. i use it because it is a great way to share my
pictures with my friends and follow celebrities to see their latest
posts. the benefit is that you can
see pictures that your favorite
celebrities and your friends post.
the drawback is that these social
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