G DigitalEdition
August 4 , 2021
IN NEWS : Longtime Coach Vince DeLaurentis dies . AND : AtlantiCare is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Hammonton Health Park . PLUS : News from the town council meeting , the schools prepare for the upcoming year and local crime . IN OPINION : Columns by Gabe Donio and Cherie Calletta . IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT : Articles , a movie review and the " What ' s Hot " and " Mind Games " pages . SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT : Hammonton High School Sports Then and Now . AND IN SPORTS : The summer youth sports are wrapping up ; the Hammonton Hot Shots are playing Margate in the ACBL playoffs ; and the high school sports seasons are coming in a few short weeks . AND REMEMBER : You can watch " Gazette Sports Week " 24 / 7 at www . hammontongazette . com ; as week as " Gazette News Briefs " weekly and " Gazette In Fashion " monthly on YouTube and " Blueberry Skies " on Facebook .