Page 4 • Wednesday , August 2 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette
Planning Board approves subdivision
by Mohammed Fuad GAZETTE EDITOR
The Hammonton Joint Land Use Board approved an application by DeNafo Properties on July 19 to create a minor subdivision for an additional building lot on 711 North Chew Road .
Matt DeNafo , representing DeNafo Properties of Waterford Works , said a family of five wants to purchase an existing home , while another couple is seeking to build a home in that subdivision .
The existing home was built in the 1970s and had not been upgraded until DeNafo put in almost $ 200,000 to rehab the home . DeNafo discovered that an adjacent empty lot is a part of the existing home that was purchased by DeNafo Properties . The lot is vacant and DeNafo is looking to build on it .
Engineer Brian Peterman presented the board with an aerial view of the property . Peterman then presented the board with a subdivision plan for the second home to be built . Based on the current code requirements of the lot , eight properties on the street are undersized .
Peterman said he believes the lot fits the criteria of a subdivision to meet the variance of the lot size .
“ We would definitely need to do some graphic information and some work ,” Peterman said . “ We have to do a grading plan for your ordinance , stormwater management plan with the new stormwater regulations to both meet your ordinance , and the [ New Jersey ] Pinelands Commission ordinance , water quality and those type of things because this would fall under their minor development portion and require their stormwater ordinance .”
The positive criteria of the subdivision , Peterman said , is that it provides sufficient space and a variety of uses , including residential , to fit the needs of all citizens . More efficient use of land could be used for single family use and meets the density of the neighborhood .
Town planner Stuart Wisner noted the zone has a minimum lot size of 25,000 square feet and the proposed lot is under that . The lot width requirement is 120 feet , and both lot widths would be substantially larger than required .
The maximum lot converge is 40 percent ; the existing house is at 24 percent . While it is unclear what the proposed new building coverage would be , it would be under the requirement .
“ In terms of lot width and lot coverage , they exceed ordinance minimums ,” Wisner said . “ We don ’ t have , in this zone , a lot-depth requirement , that ’ s where they fall short of the lot area is that along the frontage they ’ re fine , but they don ’ t have the depth to be able to meet lot area .”
In other business , a resolution was adopted for John and Kelly Celona for a D variance for an addition to their home on an undersized lot . The resolution was approved by the board .
The next meeting will be on Aug . 16 at town hall .
“ We have to do a grading plan for your ordinance , stormwater management plan with the new stormwater regulations to both meet your ordinance and the [ New Jersey ] Pinelands Commission ordinance .”
- Brian Peterman , on the lot fitting the criteria that meets the lot size variance .
Hammonton Night Out is on Friday
NIGHT OUT , from Page 1 rious situation ,” Lieutenant Sam Angello said . “[ We ] would just be walking around , conversing , not in a situation where we ’ re actually doing police work .”
One way Angello hopes the community and law enforcement connect is by being able to have a conversation during the informal event .
“ As far as the relationship with the community and the police officers , I mean , that ’ s kind of one of the bigger things that we ’ re targeting ,” Angello said .
Besides the connection with the law enforcement , guests will have the opportunity to experience other great features of the event , like fireworks to end the night .
“ We have our normal usual fireworks , there ’ s also going to be a tug-ofwar contest . And then we ’ ll have food trucks and local vendors that are participating from our community for food ,” Hammonton Family Success Center Director Patricia Donio said . “ And it ’ s a night where everybody can come out and hang out and visit lots of table vendors that are going to have plenty of resources for families to check out a lot of freebies .”
DonutNV from Egg Harbor City is just one of the many vendors set to attend the evening , giving the community a sweet treat as they enjoy other activities .
Something guests will have the opportunity to participate in is the Hammonton National Night Out 5K race . The registration fee is $ 25 with an additional optional cost for the race T- shirt . Special pricing is also available for law enforcement , military , first responders , school staff and students . For
“ As far as the relationship with the community and the police officers , I mean , that ’ s kind of one of the bigger things that we ’ re targeting .”
- Sam Angello , on the purpose of National Night Out .
those not necessarily interested in racing but want to participate , there is also a one-mile fun walk .
The race lasts for an hour beginning at 6 p . m . and ends with awards in overall winners , top law enforcement finishers and top three finishers in a 10-year-old age category . Fireworks will begin at 9 p . m . Though the event benefits the law enforcement ’ s relationship with the town , it also benefits the community .
“ Doing the event for 10 years I feel it ’ s important to the community , allowing them to meet our new officers and putting a friendly face for the youth in our community to reach out to officers if they need them ,” Young said .
“ Doing the event for 10 years I feel it ’ s important to the community , allowing them to meet our new officers and putting a friendly face for the youth in our community to reach out to officers if they need them .”
- Mary Young , on the importance of National Night Out .