The Hammonton Gazette 07/19/23 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , July 19 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette

Environmental Commission OKs tree removals

by Mohammed Fuad GAZETTE EDITOR
The Hammonton Environmental Commission held their monthly meeting at town hall on July 12 . The meeting saw the approval of six-tree-removal applications as well as the commission discussing various old business items on the agenda .
For the Lake Water Quality Advisory Committee report , Commission Chair Dan Bachalis reported that the committee is learning new things about Hammonton Lake , such as newly identified snail species . The committee is doing an endangered species study on the lake and Bachalis met with Stockton University Professor Emma Witt on the pH levels regarding Hammonton Lake .
Bachalis also addressed social media posts and the Parks and Recreation Commission ’ s comments regarding the lake , to which Bachalis emphasized that the committee is actively monitoring the lake ’ s situation with their scientific partners .
For the Parks and Recreation Commission report , Bachalis mentioned the comments made by members regarding the lake at the last meeting on June 20 . Members on the commission addressed their concerns with the lake as to the conditions of the lake and how it could be better . Members , particularly councilman Sam Rodio , made pointed comments on the lake .
Bachalis addressed those comments , saying he was insulted by the lack of communication of Parks and Rec with the Lake Water Committee .
“ As a chair of the Lake Committee , I ’ m beyond insulted that nobody bothered to discuss this with us so we ’ ll be addressing that further ,” Bachalis said .
For the Green Committee report , Committee Chair Amy Menzel said that the committee is looking to designate certain beds for the community as well as the committee having Garden Talks , with another set scheduled for August 2 .
The Green committee is looking to replace its garden shed and the first Green Market is scheduled for Third Thursday on July 20 .
The commission then proceeded to the tree removal applications . Joseph Berenato was the first applicant to be reviewed , requesting for three tree removals and replacements as two were either dead or dying and one overhanging his house , one to trim with an eye to remove it . The commission approved Berenato ’ s application .
Robert Barbieri was the next applicant , requesting two tree removals and no replacements as there was a dead pin oak tree and a Hemlock tree being too
“ As a chair of the Lake Committee , I ’ m beyond insulted that nobody bothered to discuss this with us so we ’ ll be addressing that further .”
- Dan Bachalis , on comments made by Parks and Recreation Commison members .
close to the house . The commission approved Barbieri ’ s application .
Marylee Kondrach requested one street tree removal and no replacement as the interior of the tree was rotting . The commission approved Kondrach ’ s application .
Frank Lucca requested one tree removal and no replacement as the tree was dead and too close to the house . The commission approved Lucca ’ s application .
Vanessa Ingemi-Truncale requested five tree removals with the replacements to be determined . The trees were expanding onto the driveway , with
some trees being in the power lines . The commission approved Ingemi-Truncale ’ s application .
Kevin Hinkin was the final applicant to be reviewed as he requested one tree removal and no replacement as the tree was dead . The commission approved Hinkin ’ s application .
The commission then proceeded to the old business section of the agenda . A student art reception was held on Arbor Day , where Bachalis mentioned students bonding at the reception , to which Bachalis said that he ’ s looking forward to next year ’ s event .
For the pollinator garden , Bachalis and and are meeting on August 23 to complete the project . For the open space plan , the commission will meet on August 30 to make revisions on the plan .
For the tree planting planning item on the agenda , the commission plans to meet with Public Works Department Head Scott Rivera and Manager Robert Vettese on either July 26 or July 27 to talk about tree planting .
For the Green Building / Environmental Sustainability Master Plan element , Bachalis mentioned that he is waiting on either Adams Rehmann and Heggan ( ARH ) or their council liaison to complete the project . The commission is looking to put together a work group that will consist of former and current members of the commission for a final push for a draft on the project .
Bachalis concluded the meeting with new business on planning the tree ordinance revision work group , which they plan on meeting on September 20 . The commission will begin the process of looking at the current tree ordinance and the model language created by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as well as incorporating its own ideas .
The meeting was then adjourned . The next meeting will be on August 9 at 7 p . m .