Page 4 • Wednesday , May 18 , 2022 • The Hammonton Gazette
Town not moving forward on earmarks from illegal tree removal permits
COMMISSION , from Page 1
Bachalis said that Councilman Jonathan Oliva — who was absent from the meeting — explained that the reason involves past commission budgets , which were originally $ 190 per year , and the incorporation of fines to supplement that budget .
“ At this point , the choice is between keeping our $ 1,390 budget and seeking additional funding through council — if and when we feel we need it ; say we need $ 3,000 to hire Mickey Riggin for our trainings , then we would go to council and request it — or comply fully with the ordinance and go back to our $ 190 budget and rely on fees that come in from fines , which may or may not be sufficient ,” Bachalis said .
Bachalis said that Mayor Stephen DiDonato had expressed concern that the public would think that “ we are citing people for illegal tree removals just so that the commission can collect the money ; to make a buck .”
“ I did note that the commission has no authority or ability to impose or issue summonses for illegal tree removals ; the most we can do is refer the matter to code enforcement , but that argument didn ’ t seem to fly . It was recognized that we don ’ t have that authority , but apparently they feel the optics would be something that they could not , for some reason or another , overcome ,” Bachalis said .
Bachalis said that he planned to discuss the matter further with Oliva at the commission ’ s June meeting .
“ He did give us his full support for requesting money over and above the current budget if and when we need it , so that ’ s something ,” Bachalis said .
Later in the meeting , while presenting the report from the Lake
Water Quality Advisory Committee , Bachalis said the Stockton University study of Hammonton Lake will be continuing shortly .
Bachalis said that Dr . Emma Witt , professor of environmental studies , will be visiting Hammonton Lake on May 31 and June 1 conducting a spring vegetation study with her students .
“ She did receive approval of her grant to Stockton University for funding for continuing studies on the lake , including DNA studies on the E . coli and some other characterization studies . We ’ re going to be contacting — and hopefully working with — an area mushroom farmer to explore the feasibility of doing mycoremediation at the lake and in the laboratory ,” Bachalis said .
Commissioner Amy Menzel gave an update from the Hammonton Green Committee regarding the Hammonton Community Garden .
“ We constructed 10 replacement beds to supplement the ones that were removed . We still need to fill them and get them growing . We still have plots available , so if anybody ’ s interested they should contact the Green Committee , or
go online and download the application ; it ’ s $ 20 ,” Menzel said .
Menzel said that the committee has planned garden talks throughout the summer , presented in partnership with the Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station .
“ We have experts coming to present information and answer questions ,” Menzel said .
In other business , the commission entertained an application , submitted by James and Jessica Curcio , of 430 French St ., was for the removal of three dead trees , with three replacements , at 783 Bellevue Ave .
“ They weren ’ t marked ,” Bachalis said .
The application included three pictures of trees , but Bachalis said that two of the pictures appear to be of the same tree .
“ I would have expected three pictures of three separate trees ,” Bachalis said .
Bachalis noted that there were two trees on the lot which were dead or dying , but the third tree was difficult to discern .
“ If the third one is as dead as
See BACHALIS , Page 20