Photos from the
Teen Arts Festival
p. 16
Cruisin’ MainStreet
is Friday, May 16
p. 10 and 18-20
A look at the architecture
of South Jersey
p. 39
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Volume 18 • Issue 19
Must remain in state and submit to GPS monitoring
by Gabe Donio
Gazette Staff Writer
MaYS LaNDiNG—a man
formerly employed as the Hammonton High School Marching
Band Director has been charged
with the sexual assault of a 16-
year-old student, acting atlantic
County Prosecutor Jim McClain
announced on May 1, according to
a release from the prosecutor’s office.
according to the release, after a
week-long investigation by the atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office
Special Victims Unit and the town
of Hammonton Police Department, a warrant was issued May 1
for the arrest of Jason Koenig, 26,
of the 600 block of Wilbur avenue,
See KOENIG, Page 14
Tourneys a boost A fun weekend of wine tasting held
to local businesses
by Paul J. Macrie IV
Gazette Staff Writer
HaMMONtON—Local businesses have prospered during
weekend soccer tournaments.
these tournaments have drawn
hundreds of parents and their children to tuckahoe turf farms,
where it has numerous soccer fields
THG/Paul J. Macrie IV.
Jason Koenig (second from right) appeared at the county courthouse shortly
after 9 a.m. on May 5.
encompassing many acres, for the
past several years. families come
to the complex, located on Myrtle
avenue, and watch their children of
several age groups play in showcase game-type settings.
Bryce Hartmann of Landenberg,
Pa., Chester County was getting set
to watch his oldest son play in a
Dr. Walter Crane
passes away at 61
by Gina Rullo
Gazette Staff Writer
Hammonton family medicine
physician Dr. Walter D. Crane Jr.,
61, passed away on april 26.
Crane was born in Philadelphia.
See SOCCER, Page 12
He attended Dartmouth College
and UMDNJ (now rowan University). He was board certified by the
american Osteopathic Board of
family Physicians.
He had been in practice in Hammonton for approximately 30
years. together with Dr. H.
St. Joe students promenade
See CRANE, Page 10
THG/Paul J. Macrie IV. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.
Michelle Storey, of DiMatteo Vineyards, pours Dennis LaSassa a glass of wine at the 2nd Annual Hammonton Wine Festival
organized by the Hammonton Rotary Club. See related story on Page 3 and more photos on page 22.
County Teen Arts Festival
brings 1000+ downtown
by Paul J. Macrie IV
Gazette Staff Writer
HaMMONtON—On May 2,
downtown Hammonton and its
surrounding buildings became a
central location for county high
school students to fulfill their passion for the various types of arts.
for the fourth year in a row, the
Hammonton arts District hosted
the atlantic County teen arts fes-
tival. Students were given the opportunity to display and create artwork, dance, sing and write as well
as show off their talents in music,
film, video and much more.
the richard Stockton of New
Jersey’s Kramer Hall on front
Street was one of 13 locations to
participate in the annual atlantic
County teen arts festival. the
manager of Kramer Hall, eileen
Atlantic Cape offering
classes at Kramer Hall
by Gina Rullo
Gazette Staff Writer
THG/Joseph Bruno. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.
St. Joseph High School Queen Alyssa Scirrotto and King Alec Barbone pose for a photo on May 2 . The promenade was
held inside the high school gym and the prom itself was held at the Carriage House. For more pictures, see Page 27.
Cape Community College will
offer its first credit classes in Hammonton this fall at Kramer Hall, 30
front St.
Classes include:
The Gazette! ONLY $20 FOR 52 WEEKS! CALL: (609) 704-1940
See ARTS, Page 4
• intro to Computers, tuesdays,
2-4 p.m.
• Composition i, Mondays/
Wednesdays, 9:30-10:45 a.m.
• Western World i, tuesdays/
thursdays, 9:30-10:45 a.m.
• Statistical Methods, tuesdays/
thursdays, 5-6:50 p.m.
Hammonton resident Dave Mur-
See CLASSES, Page 2