Page 4 • Wednesday , May 3 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette
Classic cars , music , fun at Cruisin ’ MainStreet May 19
CRUISIN ’, from Page 1 started when Cruisin ’ Classics Auto Club thought it would help the town if they bring their classic 1950s cars downtown and help build a promotion around it . Donio noted that the town wasn ’ t in the best shape during that time . With the theme being “ MainStreet Hammonton ... Remember Friday Nights .” The downtown was packed with activity in the Friday nights during the 1950s .
The event continues the 1950s theme with what people did during that time period with the cars , music and contests . There will be no vendors as Donio encourages those to enter the stores and restaurants .
“ It ’ s a pretty simple event , music , the cars , we don ’ t give away prizes for cars . We have simple prizes for the games , some candy , ice cream for the winners from Funky Cow , bowling games for the winners , things that were around in the ‘ 50s , that ’ s what I try and keep it to . When I was out there early and the cars are filling up and I turn around and all of a sudden , the whole street
was filled with old cars and it was just a cool look to me . I like it , I still like it when it happens ,” Donio said .
McCullough is excited to attend the event again as she is a fan of seeing physical activity taking place downtown with the cars moving and the streets closed for pedestrian activities . As executive director , she ’ s amazed that the event has been happening for almost 30 years . McCullough is grateful for Donio , who has planned the event for so long . She said it ’ s reassuring to come into an existing established program and know that it ’ s in good hands . She said she has assisted Donio in the planning of this event .
“ She and a team came up with the idea and have been executing it beautifully for our 29th year . I see this as Angela ’ s event but MainStreet Hammonton plays a role because it happens downtown . It is a joint event but she has a leadership role and that MainStreet is involved because of the location ,” McCullough said .
Cruisin ’ MainStreet will take place on May 19 from 5:30 p . m . to
9:30 p . m . on Bellevue and Central Avenues .
Parks & Rec on scheduling software
REC , from Page 3 using and whatever scheduling aspect they ’ re using on Meetup ,” McCullough said .
Mazzeo said that she would investigate the matter . Furgione asked about procedure regarding tennis .
“ There are two pickleball courts on one tennis court , so now , I want to play tennis at noon . All the pickleball stuff has to come off , correct ? The tennis net stays up , and then the temporary pickleball nets are going to come down ,” Furgione said . McCullough commented further . “ That means that all the tennis signups would automatically negate pickleball signups for that ,” McCullough said . Furgione concurred . “ For every tennis court , you lose two pickleball courts ,” Furgione said . Commission Chair Lou Cappuccio asked about unauthorized use of the courts .
“ If somebody ’ s using the court when they ’ re not supposed to be using it , what do we do then ?” Cappuccio said .
McCullough suggested an addition to the signage .
“ Maybe there could be a phone number that says , ‘ If you ’ re having an issue ,’” McCullough said .
Councilman Sam Rodio said that , of the people he knows who play pickleball , there are seldom conflicts .
“ They stand respectfully in line , and you play once it ’ s your turn . If we can have that , we ’ ll just lock it up ... I think it ’ s going to work itself out if we give it a chance . Let ’ s get there , and see if we have an issue . We ’ re making an issue where there might not be one ,” Rodio said . Borda commented on the matter . “ It ’ s been a long time coming , and we want to make sure we do it right . I appreciate you getting this software and trying to put something in place ; that ’ s really a step in the right direction ,” Borda said .
During Mazzeo ’ s report , the commission entertained a use-of-facilities request submitted by DQ Events for a triathlon at Hammonton Lake Park on May 27 from 7:45 a . m . to 10:30 a . m .
Furgione said that the town may be spraying aquatic herbicide at Hammonton Lake during that time , expressing concerns about how that would impact the triathlon .
“ This product is highly temperature-dependent , so we ’ re going need to make that [ approval ] contingent , if that ’ s OK with everyone . If we are actually spraying the lake , I would not recommend you have a triathlon — at least , don ’ t go in the water ,” Furgione said .
Commissioner Ian Fisher asked what the parameters for the herbicide are .
“ When do they anticipate that they would be spraying ?” Fisher asked . Furgione responded . “ Usually , it should go around the last two weeks of May to the beginning of June . If it ’ s too warm , it ’ s too late . If it ’ s two cold , it won ’ t work , so it ’ s within that window of about three weeks to a month ,” Furgione said . Furgione offered a suggestion . “ Maybe they don ’ t do swimming this year , and do a biathlon instead of a triathlon ?” Furgione said .
Mazzeo said that she would talk to the applicant , and Rodio commented further .
“ Tell them the reasoning . We ’ ll try to work with them for one year ,” Rodio said .
Commissioner Shawn McCloud noted surprise that the application had not already been approved .
“ They ’ ve been marketing it for a couple of months now ,” McCloud said . Mazzeo replied . “ They didn ’ t submit the application until
March 23 ,” Mazzeo said . McCloud continued . “ They ’ ve got the website , and they ’ ve got sign-ups ; that ’ s why I was wondering if we had already approved it ,” McCloud said . Rodio commented further . “ They should have checked first ,” Rodio said . McCloud said that he participated in the triathlon in 2022 . See TRIATHLON , Page 12