G DigitalEdition
May 3 , 2023
IN NEWS : Two more municipalities want to join the Hammonton Joint Municipal Court . AND : Republican Councilwoman Renee Rodio is enjoying her role on town council . PLUS : Cruisin ' MainStreet returns to the downtown on the evening of May 19 ; a grant has been received for the bandstand at the lake park ; the planning board met April 19 ; local crime and more . IN OPINION : Columns by Gabe Donio and Dan Bachalis . IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT : Daisy Ridley returns to the Star Wars world . SPECIAL SECTION : A Salute to Nurses . AND IN SPORTS : Hammonton Blue Devils and St . Joseph Wildcats baseball , softball , track , volleyball and more . PLUS : The Hammonton Men ' s League Championship Series . AND REMEMBER : You can watch " Gazette Sports Week " 24 / 7 at hammontongazette . com as well as " Gazette News Briefs " weekly and " Gazette In Fashion " monthly on YouTube and " Blueberry Skies " every Monday and Friday on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .