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Sewing groups making masks for others Wednesday, April 8, 2020 • The Hammonton Gazette • Page 3 MASKS, from Page 1 she was skeptical at first. “a couple of weeks ago, when the mask thing started, I brushed it off because, as someone with a degree in biology, I was like, re- ally? Is it really going to do any- thing?” Karl said. However, Karl’s daughter— who is a nurse at a hospital in western Pennsylvania—told Karl that the staff at the hospital was being told to recycle their N95 masks, and the type of masks that can be made at home would be valuable. “What these do is protecting the N95 masks from the elements of the world, such as if you get banged in the face or you get schmutz or something like that, it’s an easy way to protect that mask, because they are considered gold; they’re in short supply,” Karl said. Karl noted that she “promptly ate crow” and got about to sewing, with her daughter receiving the first batch. Karl said she has also sent masks to atlantiCare. “If you’re a medical person or a first responder, and you ask me, you get masks from me. The good thing is that I’m a quilter, so I’ve got a fabric stash like no other,” Karl said. Karl said that she makes masks both with elastic and with cloth ties, as well as other options. “I’m making headbands with buttons so they hook it up there and avoid it going around the ears. I’ve also started making masks where the elastic goes around the back of your head, and that keeps it really secure, but I also make the ones that tie. There’s pros and cons to going in either direction. Ties are old-school; a lot of people like them because they’re not elas- tic, and some people are allergic to elastic, so you need to offer something that doesn’t have elas- tic in it,” Karl said. Hammonton resident Theresa Pavesi also started making masks to help hospital staff. “I have a network of friends on Facebook that’s a support group. We’re Moms for Neurofibromato- sis (NF). One of the NF moms in Ohio put out a notice that her local hospital was in need of the home- Now carrying Blush by Hayley Paige and Maggie Sottero We carry gorgeous dresses by: One Sindoni Lane, Suite C, Hammonton (609) 270-7886 • Hayley Paige, Maggie Sottero Casablanca, Mori Lee, and so much more! C USTOM E NGAGEMENT R INGS & W EDDING B ANDS R EPAIRS C OMPLETED ON P REMISES 121 S. White Horse Pike Across from McDonald’s Hammonton • (609) 561-6222 made masks, so I jumped in to help them,” Pavesi said. Not long after, Pavesi was con- tacted by a cousin who works on the COVID-19 floor of Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital. “She said they really need them because they’re using the same paper mask for three shifts. It blew my mind. She said that, just to have one for each person, she needed 32, so I kept sewing for two days straight until I got 32 done ... My goal is to get three per person on the COVID-19 floor at Jefferson, so that while one’s in the wash they’re wearing one, and they have a spare in case some- thing happens to the one they’re wearing,” Pavesi said. Pavesi said that, beyond the masks for the hospital, she has made masks on request in return for a donation to help find a cure for NF, which afflicts both her husband and her daughter. “When someone beyond a hos- pital—like an individual or a fam- ily—asks me for masks, I do it for a donation to keep the fundraiser going. It’s not a time to help your- self; it’s a time to help other peo- ple ... everybody in my household has pitched in for this. My hus- band helps cut the nose wire, my daughters do the pressing and clip threads. everybody does some- thing to help. It’s a great thing to keep us moving in a positive way Courtesy Photo Fred Karl cuts the material for his wife, Betsey, to sew into masks. More pics on Page 14. together,” Pavesi said. Karl has a similar response to those who ask about payment for her masks. Her daughter was di- agnosed with multiple sclerosis, and, as a result of medication that she has had to take for that, has a very severely immunocompro- mised system. “People have asked, can I pay See SEW, Page 4 DiMeglio Septic , Est. 1975 ~ DEP 03261 ~ Paul DiMeglio Inc. 1 (800) 427-4617 ~ 561-1007 ~ 561-3597 491 White Horse Pike • Ancora, NJ • Grease Trap Cleaning • Portable Toilets • Septic Certifications • Jetting Service