The Hammonton Gazette 04/07/21 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , April 7 , 2021 • The Hammonton Gazette

Local businesswoman Anne Bruno was active in Chamber

BRUNO , from Page 1
“ She was a wonderful mother , that ’ s for sure ... She had a good sense of humor ; we always had a good laugh . i always used to make her laugh ,” Berenato told The Gazette .
Berenato said that Bruno was a “ great cook and baker in her younger years , before her professional career .”
“ We cooked together . We always had a good cooking relationship . She taught me a few tricks , and she made the best meatballs — and i picked that trade up ... For my birthday , she used to make a chocolate mocha cake — and a chocolate cheesecake that was out of this world . She also used to make a killer ricotta pineapple cheesecake that was delicious and real light ; i ’ m going to miss that ,” Berenato said .
Bruno ’ s obituary stated that , later in life , Bruno joined the workforce as a real estate agent , which led to her career in the title insurance business . She became manager and assistant vice president of Chelsea title & Guaranty Company in Hammonton , and she remained in the title business for 40 years .
“ Chelsea was the biggest title company in our area back in the day , and she did really well with Chelsea . She really enjoyed that work there and had a lot of good friends there ,” said Lori amos , the vice president / office manager of Landis title Corporation ’ s Hammonton office . amos , who credits Bruno for being her mentor in the industry , said that , after Chelsea title & Guaranty Company closed its doors , there were “ a couple title companies she worked for in between , then she landed at Landis .”
“ in 1999 , anne had a very large and loyal clientele here in Hammonton , and she wanted to open an office here . She solicited me to come onboard and help her out , and she did mentor me ; for several years after that we worked together . We serviced the local Hammonton clients of hers ,” amos said . amos said that Bruno always wanted the best for her clients .
“ She wanted to give them good customer service . She always put them first ; that was the most important thing when we did our closings , to keep her clients happy ,” amos said . amos recalled her time and her relationship with Bruno fondly .
“ i worked here for many years with anne , and we spent so much time together and we became friends . i admired her . She got me started in this business , and we were more than just coworkers . We were friends ,
Anne Bruno and i miss her . i loved her ,” amos said .
Besides her work at Landis title Corporation , Bruno was a charter member of the Kessler Hospital Foundation and a trustee emeritus of the Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce . Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce executive Director John Runfolo remembered Bruno as a “ warm and classy lady .”
“ Dealing with her at the Chamber , she was always a classy lady , and always a great part of the Chamber when we dealt with her .
She was a senior member of the Chamber , and i learned a lot from her , especially from the classy way she held herself . She was an integral part of the Chamber for many years ,” Runfolo said .
Berenato noted that Bruno was actively involved in many facets of Hammonton life .
“ She was a professional in business . She stepped up and did what she had to do . She was pretty active in the community ,” he said . according to her obituary , during her earlier years , Bruno was
See BUSINESS , Page 14