G DigitalEdition
April 6 , 2022
IN NEWS : Retired HPD Cpl . Richard Jones dies suddenly . Jones was a longtime student resource officer at the Hammonton School District prior to his retirement . AND : The town council approves two police promotions and the naming of several police chaplains . PLUS : The Hammonton Board of Education met on March 23 ; Thiabault seeks Miss NJ Outstanding Teen title ; and Bryan Hymel , an opera star with a worldwide following performs at the Tomasello Winery Opera Gala . IN OPINION : Columns by Gabe Donio and Gina Rullo , editorials cartoons and a perspective from Atlantic County Clerk Joseph Giralo . IN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT : Art happenings in town are featured . SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT : St . Joseph Academy holds gala and honors KellyAnne Conway . AND IN SPORTS : High school baseball , softball and more are all covered in this week ' s sports section . AND REMEMBER : You can watch " Gazette Sports Week " 24 / 7 at hammontongazette . com as well as " Gazette News Briefs " weekly and " Gazette In Fashion " monthly and " Blueberry Skies " every Monday and Friday on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .