The Hammonton Gazette 04/01/20 Digital Edition | Page 2

More pics of kids learning at home p. 28-30, 32-36 Only at Graycewyngs p. 9 Joe Canal’s - Hammonton Mirren discusses now has curbside service the royals p. 18-21 Volume 24 • Issue 14 p. 37 Wednesday, April 1, 2020 LOCAL DRUG, WEAPONS ARREST Chief: Bondiskey facing drug and weapons charges by Gabe Donio G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER ing drug and weapons charges following a motor vehicle check of a suspicious vehicle that occurred on Central Avenue near the White Horse Pike (Route 30) at 6:45 a.m. on March 30, Hammonton Police Chief Kevin Friel said. Sgt. Jason Rigby noted that on Central Avenue near Route 30 there was a black SUV stopped facing northbound in the southbound lane of travel, Friel said. Walking high off the ground in May HAMMONTON—Joseph Bondiskey Jr., 46, of Hammonton was arrested and is fac- “The vehicle appeared to be running. It had on headlamps and windshield wipers,” Friel said. As Rigby approached the vehicle, a sub- ject popped up from beneath the dashboard Social media’s role in distancing era by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—As local government agencies, civic organ- izations and businesses begin to feel the effects of the closures and social distancing mandates from See POLICE, Page 2 Governor Phil Murphy’s Execu- tive Order No. 107 in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19), more and more use is being made of social media as a way to stay in contact with the commu- nity. Town governance must con- Town officials react to ‘stay at home’ by Gabe Donio G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER Town mtgs. now becoming virtual Courtesy Photo Highwire artist and Hammonton resident Justin Provoncha and his training partner Rylee Gallagher (pictured above downtown Collingswood) are going to walk across the two pools on a highwire about 15 to 20 ft. in the air at the Hammonton Swim Club on May 9 conditions permitting. Article in next week’s edition. by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—On March 16, in an address to the residents of Hammonton regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Mayor Stephen DiDonato an- nounced that the meeting of town HAMMONTON—As the town becomes accustomed to life in the era of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the ramifications of Governor Phil Murphy’s Exec- utive Order No. 107 (2020), sev- See SOCIAL MEDIA, Page 8 eral area officials spoke with The Gazette regarding the roles that emergency responders and depart- ments will play in fighting the pan- demic. Hammonton Fire Chief Sean Macri said that, for his department, much has not changed. “With a lot of it, it’s business as See FRIEL, Page 3 council scheduled for March 23 was canceled. “I personally made the decision to postpone the meeting on March 23, in light of social distancing,” DiDonato told The Gazette. Such a cancellation is unprece- dented. “I’ve been here for 13 years, Temporary triage tent erected at ED G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—On March 24, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC) set up a tempo- rary triage tent outside its Satellite Emergency Department in its Health Park in Hammonton as a precautionary measure. “This is part of our standard plan for how we prepare to care for a possible increase in patients as a result of flu or other illnesses in an epidemic or pandemic situa- tion. Should we have an increase in patients with flu-like symptoms or symptoms of COVID-19, we See ATLANTICARE, Page 10 SUBSCRIBE TO The Courtesy Photo On March 24, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC) set up a temporary triage tent outside its Satellite Emergency Department in its Health Park in Hammonton as a precautionary measure. Gazette • SUBSCRIBE NOW! • CALL 609-704-1939 by Gina L. Rullo See TOWN, Page 12