The Hammonton Gazette 031820 Gazette Digital Edition | Page 2

Fenway’s picks: Ready to walk down New Spenser the aisle? See inside flick on Netflix Pepperoni bread Italiano shares contest postponed Maplewood story p. 14 p. 37 p. 25-36 p. 47 Wednesday, March 18, 2020 STATE, TOWN TAKE PRECAUTIONS Volume 24 • Issue 12 Gazette Interview: AtlantiCare infectious diseases doctor Trivedi by Gabe Donio G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER TRENTON—On March 16, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Connecticut Gover- nor Ned Lamont announced a regional ap- proach to combatting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the tri-state area. Mayor Stephen DiDonato also issued com- ments regarding the municipality combatting the virus on March 19. On March 10, The Gazette spoke with Dr. Manish Trivedi, an infectious diseases specialist who is the Di- rector of the AtlantiCare Infectious Diseases Cronquist visits Macrie Brothers Clinic based in Atlantic City about what peo- ple should know about COVID-19, how to combat it and AtlantiCare’s readiness as a health care system to deal with the virus. Schools outline their virus plans See COVID-19, Page 2 by Franki Rudnesky G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—On March 12, the Hammonton Board of Education held its monthly meeting which included updates on the district’s reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, the public hearing on the refunding bond ordinance and a presentation on the Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC). Before calling the meeting to order, board president Sam Mento III gave the following statement Presentation on St. Pat at Stockton by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER Courtesy Photo The North American Blueberry Council President Kasey Cronquist met with members of Macrie Brothers Blue- berry Farm and Atlantic Blueberry Co. last week at Macrie’s farm. Above: Left to Right: Nicholas Macrie Jr, Nicholas Macrie Sr, Michael Macrie, Jr, NABC President Kasey Cronquist, Paul Macrie, III, Matthew Macrie, and Michael Macrie, Sr of Macrie Brothers Blueberry Farm and Art Galletta of Atlantic Blueberry Co. by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—In 1920, the American Automobile Associa- tion (AAA) began the School Safety Patrol. Now in its 100th year, the AAA School Safety Pa- trol continues to be a long-stand- ing tradition in Hammonton. Sandy Silipino, a fifth-grade teacher at Warren E. Sooy Jr. Ele- mentary School, is the advisor for Hammonton’s Safety Patrol. “I remember Safeties serving both the Hammonton and Saint Joseph Elementary Schools in the 1960s. In fact, my mother even re- G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—The Ham- monton Environmental Commis- sion held its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on March 11 in town hall. Kaitlin Barakat of the New Jer- sey League of Conservation Vot- G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER See SAFETY, Page 16 ers (New Jersey LCV) appeared at the meeting to discuss a stormwa- ter grant program. “This is a new request for pro- posals that we just put out. I’m going around, talking to towns, talking to council people, talking to their environmental commis- sions, green teams and letting See COMMISSION, Page 12 SUBSCRIBE TO The Effinger now head of dept. See SCOSA, Page 3 by Joseph F. Berenato Comm. hears about storm water program by Joseph F. Berenato presented by Stockton Center on Successful Aging (SCOSA). Baruffi noted that March 17 marks the anniversary of the death of the saint, who died on that day in A.D. 461. “After his death, the people of Ireland began small, unorganized celebrations for him. The holiday THG/Joseph F. Berenato. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Andrea Effinger was recently named the head of the town of Ham- monton’s Construction Department. HAMMONTON—Andrea Effinger, who was recently promoted to Depart- ment Head of the Construction Depart- ment, is certainly no stranger to the job. Effinger, a 1983 graduate of Ham- monton High School, has been with the department since 1985. “I started here when I was 20 ... I started out as the Planning and Zoning Board secretary. For eight years I was doing that. Then the woman that did my job now retired, and I just kind of moved over,” Effinger told The Gazette. Effinger’s previous title was techni- cal assistant, which she said was a title indicating an assistant to the construc- Gazette • SUBSCRIBE NOW! • CALL 609-704-1939 See TOWN, Page 10 AAA Safety Patrol celebrates 100 yrs. HAMMONTON—Leslie Baruffi gave a presentation about St. Patrick’s Day on March 11 at Stockton University’s Kramer Hall, 30 Front St., as part of the “Second Wednesdays” program See SCHOOLS, Page 8