The Hammonton Gazette 03/26/14 Edition | Page 2

News and pics from Uptown Hammonton p. 17-19 Get ready for spring! 12-pg Lawn and Garden section p. 23-34 Muppets continue to remain popular p. 41 COUNCIL TO LAY OFF 4 PEOPLE Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Volume 18 • Issue 13 by Lauren Bucci Gazette Staff Writer HaMMONtON—at the regular meeting of Hammonton town Council on March 24, the town approved a layoff plan, already approved by the Civil Service Commission on february 24, according to Mayor Stephen DiDo- 2 part-time and 2 full-time employees to be laid off by town nato. four municipal employees will be laid off on april 16, DiDonato said. Councilman Michael Pullia voted against the measure. DiDonato outlined the options to the council. “i believe there were three options, one was to not have the lay- offs, to have the layoffs or some form thereof… in its entirety or partially,” DiDonato said. the plan as passed, calls for four town employees to be laid off: one full-time employee from the tax collector’s office, and one fulltime and two part-time laborers from the highway department, Di- Donato said after the meeting. there was some discussion prior to the decision. Councilman edward Wuillermin cited the ability to have two part-time workers fulfill the duties of a current full-time employee and considerable cost savings as reasons to support the plan. “as it has been explained to me, on this council, that we can accommodate the same level of service with two part-time people in one case as we can with one full-time person and that we can replace some of the full-time, part-time people at the highway department Blueberry festival, Grasso, Butler retiring from USPS triathlon on June 29 by Paul J. Macrie IV Gazette Staff Writer H a M M O N tO N — S u n d a y, June 29 will be a busy day for the town of Hammonton. the annual and longstanding tradition of the red, White and Blueberry festival, organized by the Greater Hammonton Chamber of Com- by Gabe Donio Gazette Staff Writer merce, will once again be held at the Hammonton High School grounds on Old forks road. this year, there is another event scheduled to make its way through the town on June 29. it is a triathlon called Challenge atlantic City. this triathlon racing event, HaMMONtON—two longtime postal carriers who served their customers for decades were honored on the morning of March 18 at the Hammonton Post Office in front of their co-workers. Officer in Charge (OiC) Jennifer richards presented service awards to Kenny Grasso, who has spent 42 years on postal routes in Hammonton and Scott Butler, who has spent 28 years covering the same postal route in egg Harbor City as his father had before him. Grasso and Butler will both be retiring in 2014. “it’s my honor to present you both with your service awards,” richards said. Pinelands approves drip irrigation plan by Gabe Donio Gazette Staff Writer HaMMONtON—the proposed drip irrigation plan that includes applying treated wastewater effluent from the Hammonton Wastewater treat- See TRIATHLON, Page 10 ment Plant overland on a 26-acre town-owned area off of Boyer avenue beginning in summer and fall of 2014 and using a two-tiered underground drip irrigation at the four newly-built town-owned soccer fields near the corner of Boyer Sen. Booker comes to town See WASTEWATER, Page 3 See COUNCIL, Page 12 See RETIRING, Page 4 THG/Gabe Donio. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Kenny Grasso (right) and Scott Butler (left) are both retiring from the United States Post Office. A retirement party was held in their honor on March 18. Planning board approves Chew Road subdivision by Paul J. Macrie IV Gazette Staff Writer HaMMONtON—On March 19, the Hammonton Planning Board held its regular meeting at town hall. the notable agenda item of the evening was an amended minor subdivision from applicant frank ingemi. ingemi was seeking to amend a minor subdivision previously approved on January 16, 2013. it was for four separate lots in a residential zone at 150 North Chew road. attorney frank Olivo represented the applicant and explained the reasoning for the amended minor subdivision. “the original approval involved one additional lot. Unfortunately, even though we were approved that subdivision and you have extended that approval, we were not Parks & Rec. addresses Canoe Club’s request by Lauren Bucci Gazette Staff Writer THG/Joseph Bruno. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. United States Senator Cory Booker spoke at the Atlantic County Democratic Convention held March 22 at Kerri Brooke Caterers. See related story on Page 10. SUBSCRIBE TO HaMMONtON—the Hammonton Parks and recreation Commission gave updates on old business at its regular meeting on tuesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. Commission members Denise The Gazette! ONLY $20 FOR 52 WEEKS! CALL: (609) 704-1940 See PLANNING, Page 10 D’amico, James Borda and Councilman Sam rodio were not present. New alternate member Steve Struble was present for his first meeting. the board addressed the Canoe Club’s request for help in the purchase of 100 seat cushions for chairs at the club made at the com- See COMMISSION, Page 14