The Hammonton Gazette 03/25/20 Digital Edition | Seite 2

Fenway’s picks: Pics from students working at home p. 36-38, 40 News from uptown p. 18-19 Get your home and The Hunt is an yard ready for spring OK B movie p. 23-34 p. 43 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 RESIDENTS REACT TO CHANGES Volume 24 • Issue 13 People from town, region share thoughts on precautions for COVID-19 by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—As news spread of the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19), residents from in and around the region spoke with The Gazette with their thoughts on the matter. Hammonton resident Valerie Duncan noted that she had been reading about COVID-19 for some time. “I was really freaked out in the beginning, but then I just calmed down; you can’t really do anything. I think the media’s blowing it out of proportion. I know it is something se- rious, but you get a cold, you get a cold. The flu is deadly. Thousands of people are dying from the flu. Our kids go to school, and the flu’s out there, and there’s all different kinds Taking a look at state’s actions by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—On March 21, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 107 (2020), which superseded expanded re- strictions originally enumerated in See COVID-19, Page 2 Executive Order No. 104 (2020) on March 16 in an effort to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Those contained in Executive Order No. 104 (2020) included the institution of a state-wide curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., as well as the Chief: Some social distancing at home by Gabe Donio G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—Due to a re- cent uptick in local domestic vio- lence calls seen by the Hammonton Police Department in the days since Governor Phil Mur- phy instituted executive orders that See BUSINESS, Page 8 asked residents to stay at home, Hammonton Police Chief Kevin Friel offered suggestions about people maintaining some social distance from each other at times while in the house. “We want to remind people that while we are in the ‘stay at home’ under the New Jersey Governor’s Local officials Home on Bellevue Ave. torn down discuss COVID-19 File Photo Many local restaurants are offering takeout including uptown’s Brother’s Pizza. Ianthe Privitera, Alexis Tomasello, Mario Velazquez, Julio Solis, Alfredo Barbarano and owner George Scotto di Vetta of Brother’s Pizza. by Joseph F. Berenato G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—Executive Order No. 107 (2020) was signed by Governor Phil Murphy on March 21 in an attempt to limit the spread of the novel coron- avirus (COVID-19). See FRIEL, Page 20 The order included a continu- ance of a state-wide curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., enacted in Exec- utive Order No. 104 (2020) on March 16, as well as bans on gath- erings, limitations on travel except in cases of necessity and an order for residents to stay at home un- less it is essential to leave—and, Schools close, students now distance learning G AZETTE S TAFF W RITER HAMMONTON—On March 15, Hammonton Board of Educa- tion president Sam Mento III an- nounced that, beginning March 17, schools would be closed for a min- imum of two weeks but that classes would be continuing via in-home instruction. This came ahead of Executive Order No. 104 (2020), issued by Governor Phil Murphy on March 16 that closed all public and private schools, as well as colleges, begin- ning March 18. On March 21, Mur- phy issued Executive Order No. SUBSCRIBE TO The See MENTO, Page 10 THG/Gabe Donio. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Demolition of the former Dominick Pitera home on the 300 block of Bellevue Avenue was completed last week. Gazette • SUBSCRIBE NOW! • CALL 609-704-1939 by Joseph F. Berenato See TOWN, Page 12