Eagle Theatre looking to raise $3 million in three years
Page 4 • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 • The Hammonton Gazette
EAGLE, from Page 1
THG/Paul J. Macrie IV.
Eagle Theatre Chairman Dr. Michael Hozik outlined the fundraising campaign.
The campaign
has a goal of securing $3 million
within three years
from donors across
Philadelphia and
even beyond the
Early leadership gifts from the
board of trustees and donors have
totaled more than $300,000, according to a press release, and will be
given as a matching donation. The
initial funds are planned to be used
as an incentive to attract new annual
donors to match the board’s gifts in
the first year of the campaign.
“We have a committed staff that
has taken multitasking to new
heights. What we are doing here at
the Eagle Theatre is unique. A yearround theatre at this level has not
been done in South Jersey before.
The Eagle Theatre is really now a
regional theatre. To continue onto
that trajectory, we need to take our
operations to the next level. While
our productions are rivaling those in
Philadelphia and New York, some
of the rest of our operation are not.
We are a nonprofit theatre, which
means every penny we bring in
goes back out into producing our
shows. The reality is that no nonprofit theatre is supported by ticket
sales. The best nonprofit theatres in
the country raise about half of the
funds they need through ticket sales,
and the rest comes through donations. So far, the Eagle Theatre has
never run an annual fundraising
campaign. Annual donations that
support us at the theatre are essential for every nonprofit theatre, and
the Eagle Theatre needs