The Hammonton Gazette 02/19/2014 | Página 2

Learn about sports show ‘Gazette Sports Week’ p. 7 and 48 Gazette Deputy Journalists publish first articles p. 19 The latest news from Downtown Hammonton p. 16-17 NEW MURAL IS UNVEILED Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Volume 18 • Issue 8 by Paul J. Macrie IV GAZETTE STAFF WRITER HAMMONTON—After taking months of hard work and long devoted hours to create an original work of art called “The History & Heritage of Hammonton, N.J.” Uptown Community Mural, the Hammonton High School Art Club’s Work of art at WHP Wendy’s honors town’s history, heritage impressive piece of art was unveiled in a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Wendy’s restaurant on the White Horse Pike (Route 30) on February 15. Local dignitaries were on hand to celebrate the occasion, including Mayor Stephen DiDonato, Coun- St. Joe’s 75th honors Arenas and Umosella cilmen Thomas Gribbin, Paul Esposito, Sam Rodio, Ed Wuillermin, Dan Bachalis and Hammonton Board of Education President Joseph Giralo. Representatives of Wendy’s were in attendance as well, as they originally presented the check to the board of education in a meeting on October 10, which totaled $4,122.10. The money went towards a scholarship for a graduating senior, items to create the mural and the last portion was to aid in the reestablishment of the Hammonton High School Art Club. The Briad Group District Man- ager Brian Triolo addressed the attendees of the unveiling ceremony inside the Wendy’s restaurant, which also included HHS Art Club students and their families. The Briad Group is the company that owns the local Wendy’s franchise, See MURAL, Page 12 Event at Tropicana in AC March 8 by Paul J. Macrie IV GAZETTE STAFF WRITER HAMMONTON—The St. Joseph High School Diamond Jubilee fundraiser event is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Tropicana Casino and Resort’s Ballroom. During the evening, a buffet-style dinner will be provided, along with DJ entertainment, dancing, a cash bar and silent auction. Tickets must be purchased by Saturday, March 1, and attendees can do so at the Town drip irrigation plans moving ahead by Paul J. Macrie IV GAZETTE STAFF WRITER HAMMONTON—The drip irrigation project for the Boyer Avenue recreational soccer fields, along with the overland use of effluent on the wooded area near the fields, an area that is owned by See ST. JOE, Page 13 the town of Hammonton, is in the paperwork phase and has been submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for approvals, according to Mayor Stephen DiDonato. In January, DiDonato said NJDEP had 90 days to approve the paperwork submitted by the Scholarship opportunities abound locally See DRIP, Page 3 THG/Paul J. Macrie IV. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. The new “The History & Heritage of Hammonton, N.J.” Uptown Community Mural was unveiled during a ceremony at Wendy’s on the White Horse Pike (Rt. 30) on February 15. Above: Hammonton High School Art Teacher John Toothman (left) and some of the HHS Art Club members who painted the mural for Wendy’s. by Paul J. Macrie IV GAZETTE STAFF WRITER HAMMONTON—As the school year enters its final few months, high school students at Hammonton and St. Joseph have opportunities to earn community scholarships. For instance, these scholarships can aid in paying for expensive college textbooks and can potentially help pay for four years of further educational studies. Representatives at Hammonton and St. Joseph High School explained local scholarship availability for students, along with the process of applying for them. Anne Liberto, the advancement director at St. Joseph High School, talked about the school’s local scholarship distribution process. Guidance Director Louise Fourney, Principal Lynn Domenico and Vice Tow truck accident damages ARH prop. by Gabe Donio GAZETTE STAFF WRITER THG/Paul J. Macrie IV. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940. Cindy Pierce is one of the guidance counselors at Hammonton High School working with students on their college applications and scholarship opportunities. SUBSCRIBE TO HAMMONTON—A vehicle was accidentally released from a tow truck on February 12 and did damage to the front lawn area of the engineering firm of Adams, Rehmann and Heggan, Hammonton Police Captain Nick Salvatore The Gazette! ONLY $20 FOR 52 WEEKS! CALL: (609) 704-1940 See SCHOLAR, Page 10 said. The accident was reported to police at 4:15 p.m., Salvatore said. “A vehicle was released from a tow truck and did some property damage to Adams, Rehmann and Heggan at 850 S. White Horse Pike. It tore up some lawn and damaged a small light,” Salvatore said. John Gibbs of Sicklerville was See ACCIDENT, Page 2