Page 4 • Wednesday , February 16 , 2022 • The Hammonton Gazette
Environmental Comm . discussed CtX Infrastructure LLC
COMMISSION , from Page 1 date infiltration ,” Gonnelly said .
Gonnelly said that the current design includes three bio-retention swales and rain gardens .
“ All the motor vehicle surfaces are pre-treated in the bio-retention swales prior to runoff in the retention basin . We do have some roof runoff running directly into the basin from the office building . Stormwater discharge is the same location as pre-developed , with a low rate of 50 percent of the predeveloped and for the 100-year event , and the volume discharge is only 20 percent of the pre-developed . This means more runoff is recharged than required , and there ’ s also more recharge than in pre-developed conditions ,” Gonnelly said .
Gonnelly described the environmentally-friendly measures being incorporated into the structures on site .
“ The buildings are going to utilize the highest efficiency heating and cooling equipment available . The proposed office building is designed to be expandable into a second story , as opposed to just a single story — which would be less efficient , energy-wise . Also , we ’ ll have high-efficiency windows utilized , and premium insulation measures throughout the building ,” he said . Gonnelly also discussed landscaping and lighting . “ Most of the site plan will take place in the raingardens , the bioretention swales , and all plants will be indigenous to the Pinelands . Site lighting is another thing that we ’ ve updated . The lumens that are specified on the submitted plans were 4000 degrees Kelvin . We ’ re going to update that for a fixture of 3,000 degrees
Kelvin , and we ’ re going to look for one that ’ s Dark Sky certified , as well . Additionally , we have light shields proposed to prevent spillage onto the adjoining lots , with the exception of the two driveways ,” Gonnelly said . Commission chairperson Dan Bachalis later commented on the lighting .
“ Going to 3K is beautiful , so I commend you for that . The fact that you ’ re actually looking not just at the 3K but also for Dark Sky-friendly designation is really important in a town like Hammonton . We did a survey several years ago with the Willingboro Astronomical Society about the viewability of our night skies in Hammonton , and it was , at the time , quite good . They were kind of — I hate to make a pun ; I don ’ t really hate to make a pun — they were over the moon about the viewability of our skies , and we ’ d like to keep it that way ,” Bachalis said .
The parking lot , Gonnelly said , has been held to the minimum number of spaces required in order to minimize the amount of impervious surface .
“ We have parking on both sides of the driveway to maximize the space and minimize the open driving space . The application was submitted prior to providing parking spaces for EV [ electric vehicle ] charging , but we are going to go ahead and update that , as well , to include two EV charging stations ,” he said .
Commissioner Charles Crowley inquired as to procedure for the company during vehicle maintenance .
“ Waste oil disposal : how will that be handled ?” he said . Gonnelly replied . “ That ’ s for vehicle maintenance within the company ; I just want to be clear that that ’ s not open to the public in any way , so there won ’ t be mass quantities , but that will be handled according to standards ,” Gonnelly said .
Councilman Edward Wuillermin — who attended the meeting in place of Councilman Jonathan Oliva , who was unable to be present — asked how long work has been done at the site . Talvacchia responded that work has been ongoing for more than a year , and Wuillermin continued , noting that there has been “ quite a bit of site work that was done ” prior to the submission before the Hammonton Environmental Commission .
“ It would be nice , and I know everybody ’ s pressed for time to try and get up and running , why we couldn ’ t have a submission here prior to all the extensive work that was done on site ... My question is , how much site clearing is allowed before you actually get started ?” Wuillermin said .
Bachalis also commented on the matter .
“ The trees that have been cleared from the lot a few years ago should not have been cleared at all . I ’ m glad you raised that , Councilman , because I was going to raise the issue of the removal of the trees well in advance of Environmental Commission approval . We would have — I ’ m sure — approved the removal of the trees in connection with a properly submitted development review ,” Bachalis said .
Bachalis noted curiosity about the approval process that CTX Infrastructure LLC might have received “ to remove those trees in advance of a fully developed development review .” Commissioner Michael Hozik concurred .
“ Or , as a minimum , a tree removal permit ,” he said . Bachalis continued . “ That ’ s clearly something that we ’ re going to have to take up with our own people about how this site got to the state it ’ s in now , so that ’ s on us ,” Bachalis said .
Bachalis commented that the application did not include an environmental impact statement . Talvacchia responded .
“ I don ’ t see one that was submitted , and I don ’ t see that it was required ,” Talvacchia said .
Hozik , who also serves on the Hammonton Planning Board , replied .
“ The Hammonton Land Use Ordinance , 175-99C — which I happen to have in front of me — requires an environmental impact statement for all major or minor site plans . It says the applicant may , by written request , petition for a reduction in the environmental impact statement . I don ’ t think we ’ ve received that written request ; I certainly don ’ t see that ,” Hozik said .
Talvacchia inquired as to process regarding the matter .
“ Wouldn ’ t that be a planning board checklist item ? The planning board would decide that issue ,” Talvacchia said . Hozik responded . “ The planning board generally won ’ t listen to a presentation unless there has been a recommendation from the Environmental Commission ,” Hozik said .
Hozik said that he was concerned about hazardous waste oils , gasoline and other petrochemicals .
“ In the environmental impact statement , Item D3-13 Environmental Hazards , include what kind of materials would be present during and after construction , and Item 15 Waste Disposal . Both of those should be addressed with something more specific than , ‘ yeah , we ’ ll follow the rules ,’” Hozik said .
Crowley inquired as to whether there would be on-site fuel storage , and Gonnelly responded in the affirmative .
“ Thousand-gallon , self-contained , double-wall fuel tanks and dispenser . There are three tanks ; I would imagine they ’ d have maybe two diesel and one gasoline . I ’ m sorry I don ’ t have a definitive answer for that ,” Gonnelly said . Crowley inquired further . “ Will that area be paved over there , or is that part of the gravel area ?” Crowley said .
Gonnelly said that the area will be unpaved , and Crowley continued .
“ Is there any provision to put a berm around the storage area ?” he said , to which Talvacchia replied in the negative .
Bachalis commented , noting that a permeable surface like gravel would not be ideal for the fuel tanks .
“ An impervious surface under it would contain any potential spills ,” he said .
Hozik noted that CTX Infrastructure LLC was due to have an application heard before the Hammonton Planning Board on February 16 .
“ We need some clarity on some of these issues before then ,” Hozik said . Bachalis concurred , and listed the items necessary .
“ One is that there should be impervious surface under and around the fuel tanks , with a berm to contain potential spills ; I think we agree on that . We ’ d like to see : the stormwater management facilities plan ; updated drawings noting the
See CtX , Page 12