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Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Volume 22 • Issue 5
by Gabe Donio
G azette S taff W riter
HaMMONtON—Police made
several arrests during the last
week, including the following,
Hammonton Police Chief robert
Jones said.
• On January 25 at 7:38 p.m. on
Bellevue avenue, John Wiegel, 50,
of Hammonton, was arrested,
Jones said.
“He was arrested for being
drunk and disorderly in the down-
town Bellevue avenue area,”
Jones said.
He was served with a complaint
and released, Jones said.
Officer Jason rigby was the ar-
resting officer, Jones said.
• On January 26 at 4:04 a.m. on
N. third Street, Katielee Carty, 26,
of Hammonton, was arrested on a
NCiC warrant and transported to
the atlantic County Jail, Jones
at the same date and time,
Jaymie Nichols, 27, of Sick-
lerville, was arrested on the 800
block of N. third Street on two
warrants from Winslow twp. to-
taling $1,500 and one from Ham-
monton for $1,000, Jones said.
Nichols was transported to the at-
lantic County Jail, Jones said.
Officer Gordon ellis iii was the
arresting officer for both individu-
als, Jones said.
• On January 27 at 6:19 p.m.,
thomas Buehler, 45, of Mullica
twp., was found asleep behind the
wheel of his 2008 silver Hummer,
which was parked in the Walmart
parking lot, Jones said.
While investigating, Officer
Jason rigby found 10 wax folds of
heroin, Jones said.
Buehler was charged with pos-
Officials: We work Silvesti honored by fire company
to keep roads safe
by Stephen Pistone
G azette S taff W riter
HaMMONtON—the safety
of the town’s roads is among the
top priorities of police and local
government officials, they said
when interviewed by The Gazette.
town council, the police depart-
ment as well as county and state
See POLICE, Page 12
government on occasion compre-
hensively work together to assess
the state of local roads and ex-
plore what can be done to im-
prove the safety of various
intersections, whether it be a four-
way stop, blinking red lights,
“shark’s teeth” to signify yield
lines or the ultimate solution of
Silvesti honored for
70 years of service
by Stephen Pistone
G azette S taff W riter
HaMMONtON—Local fire-
fighter frank Silvesti has dedi-
cated most of his life to serving the
community as a first responder
with Hammonton Volunteer fire
Company No. 1 of the Hammon-
See TRAFFIC, Page 10
Sacco honored
for 40 years
ton Volunteer fire Department.
During his 70 years with the com-
pany, he has impacted the lives and
careers of multiple generations of
See SILVESTI, Page 14
THG/Joseph Bruno. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.
Real-world advice
at ‘Adulting 101’
Frank Silvesti (seated) was honored on January 20 for his 70 years of service to the Hammonton Fire Department. He
is pictured with Hammonton Fire Co. No 1. President Ron Mascola, Vice President Bruce Caporale, Mayor Stephen
DiDonato, New Jersey Assemblyman (8th District) Joe Howarth and Freeholder James Bertino.
by Stephen Pistone
G azette S taff W riter
adulthood often requires a game
plan; the real world can be daunt-
ing and overwhelming for many
but a little bit of assistance and
guidance can go a long way to-
wards setting up a happy and fis-
cally responsible lifestyle. On Jan-
uary 23, Stockton University’s
Kramer Hall hosted “adulting
101,” a seminar that consisted of
a panel of seven local professional
service experts providing in-depth
advice relevant to all stages of
adult life.
the discussion was moderated
Council adopts
several resolutions
by Stephen Pistone
G azette S taff W riter
THG/Stephen Pistone. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.
A panel discussion on managing your finances was held on January 23 at Kramer Hall. Steven Kincaid, Tim Buckley,
Ben Ott and Lisa Varesio were among the panelists.
HaMMONtON—at the Janu-
ary 22 town council meeting, the
following resolutions were unani-
mously adopted during the meeting
(a motion to adopt all items was
made by Councilman Joseph Gi-
See ADULTING, Page 4
ralo, seconded by Councilman
thomas Gribbin and passed unan-
• Resolution #020-2018— au-
thorization of a $1,596.25 refund to
South Jersey Gas for escrow funds
and a $410 permit fee refund to
New Jersey Solar Power LLC.
• Resolution #021-2018— au-
Gazette • $20 FOR 52 WEEKS • CALL 609-704-1939
See COUNCIL, Page 3