SUBSCRIBE TO The Gazette hammontongazette . com • 609-704-1939 hefty liability . To date town leadership is confident that several potential buyers are prepared to make offers on the property well above the sale price .
Hammonton Insider : One-on-One with MainStreet Hammonton Executive Director Tyler Wilson
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Volume 29 • Issue 5 hammontongazette . com Wednesday , January 29 , 2025
Cemetery desecrated
Photo Courtesy of Oak Grove Cemetery
Tracks are seen through the grass at Oak Grove Cemetery , where someone drove across graves overnight between January 21 and January 22 .
HAMMONTON — Driving through a cemetery is not a shortcut , yet someone treated Oak Grove as such , leaving deep tire tracks over graves .
“ They knew that wasn ’ t an exit , and they purposely drove across graves . It ’ s just disappointing and disrespectful . We work hard to maintain the grounds and respect the residents in our care . When someone does something like this , it shows a complete disregard for where they are ,” caretaker Joseph Berenato said .
According to the timestamp , this incident occurred overnight , with the damage discovered Wednesday morning . Berenato , who performs routine property checks , confirmed that when he left the cemetery at 4:30 p . m . on Tuesday , the area was untouched . By 8:44 a . m . the next day , fresh tire tracks had torn through the grass , cutting across graves .
While no grave markers were damaged , the tire tracks left deep ruts in the soft ground . Fortunately , the flat marker that was run over is from 1967 and is very durable . Berenato plans to repair the damage once the weather warms , filling the ruts with topsoil and reseeding the area .
Berenato also emphasized that people are not permitted in the cemetery after dark , as it is clearly stated that the cemetery is closed from dusk to dawn . Cemeteries are sacred places , and they ask that the public treat them with the respect they deserve .
A police report was filed in response to the incident .
$ 1 00
Town ‘ banks ’ on grant
HAMMONTON — The Hammonton Town Council officially agreed to accept a grant up to $ 544,663 from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority ( NJEDA ) Local Property Acquisition Grant Program .
Under this program , grants are awarded to help towns buy properties for redevelopment . If awarded , the town intends on purchasing the Wells Fargo building at 236 Bellevue Avenue . This property will be the future development project that was in the application approved by the NJEDA Board .
The proposed scenario would allow the town of Hammonton to retain 15 % of the grant amount following the sale of the property . Even if the property sold well below the recently announced appraisal of $ 1.2 million , 15 % and the projected resale price would net the town a profit .
As with any investment , there are risks . If the town does not find a buyer or the property is found to have or incur issues prior to a sale , the property remains on the city books as a
See COUNCIL , Page 4
43 inducted into HHS National Honor Society
See story & photos Page 6
SUBSCRIBE TO The Gazette hammontongazette . com • 609-704-1939 hefty liability . To date town leadership is confident that several potential buyers are prepared to make offers on the property well above the sale price .
As representatives for the Town of Hammonton , Mayor Steve DiDonato and Municipal Clerk Frank Zuber are authorized and designated to accept and execute all grant documents pertaining to this grant , with a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority .
The grant agreement will include a deed restriction to ensure that the property is used according to approved development plans meaning Hammonton must follow the intended public use or future development projects as outlined in the grant application . The deed restriction for property acquisitions will also indicate that the property is to be used longterm as and for publicly accessible space .
Additionally , the grant agreement details the authorities to approve of any sale / transfer of the properties including reviewone dollar