The Hammonton Gazette 01/18/23 Edition | Page 5

Page 4 • Wednesday , January 18 , 2023 • The Hammonton Gazette

Rt . 30 ’ s Hammonton Center seeking solar panels

COMMISSION , from Page 1 meeting that this proposal involves tree removal .
“ It ’ s basically a zero-net meter situation that ’ s referred to where the energy generated by the solar panels goes back into providing energy for the facility itself . This is a continuing care facility , 24- hour , it ’ s a really good candidate for solar energy and there ’ s already panels on the roof of the building but this would allow them to get to that zero-net component or generate enough energy to offset , not all , but most of their needs on a regular basis ,” Quay said .
The commission then took a look at the outline and drawings of the plan and discussed recommendations to both Sussman and Quay on what to do to help speed up the application process for the canopies to be installed .

Board of Ag . presents Rizzotte Memorial Scholarship

HAMMONTON — David M . Rizzotte Jr . was a lifelong farmer and agricultural leader . Upon graduation from Villanova University ( magna cum laude ), he returned to the family ’ s Glossy Fruit Farm in Hammonton where he and his brother ’ s grew apples , peaches , tomatoes , sweet corn , cucumbers and sweet potatoes , wholesaling their
David Rizzotte produce throughout the state and region .
They slowly transitioned from apples and peaches into blueberries and also added a farm market to greet visitors passing by their Route 206 farm on their way to the Jersey shore . In 1984 , Rizzotte became the youngest farmer to be elected to serve on the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture ( NJSBA ) and went on to serve as its youngest president . Both as a State Board member and as a community leader , he was committed to promoting and protecting farming throughout the state , helping the New Jersey Department of Agriculture ( NJDA ) start the Jersey Fresh promotional campaign and working tenaciously to protect and sustain farming in the N . J . Pinelands .
This memorial scholarship seeks to honor students interested in pursuing careers in production agriculture or supporting industries who exhibit that same outstanding character , leadership and service exemplified by David M . Rizzotte Jr . Eligible students should demonstrate in an essay and application form :
• Agricultural career goals ,
• Exceptional character , ethics and integrity ,
• A hardworking nature and drive to be successful ,
• Leadership qualities , and
• A concern for others and commitment to give back to their communities .
The David M . Rizzotte Jr . Memorial Scholarship will be given to an Atlantic County high school senior or first year college student who will be attending a university , college or technical school in the fall of 2023 in pursuit of a career in production agriculture / horticulture , with studies including but not limited to farm business management and marketing , agricultural engineering , agronomy , crop and soil sciences , entomology , plant pathology , horticulture , animal / equine science , veterinary medicine or food science .
The commission then met with Anthony Williams , a new Hammonton resident who moved here from Mount Laurel , who submitted a tree removal application in December . There were nine trees and three replacements that were too close to the house , septic and well , according to Williams . Williams then showed pictures of the trees to the committee , who all were in agreement that the trees were too close to the house , septic and well and even said that “ they have never seen anything like that ,” according to the committee . The committee motioned to approve the application .
The commission then moved forward with the committee reports , starting with the Land Use Board ( Hammonton Planning Board ). Michael Hozik discussed
The Atlantic County Board of Agriculture ’ s ( ACBA ) Scholarship fund was created in 1998 with an investment designated for educational purposes allowing the Board ’ s Executive Committee to at the previous meeting that the board approved two minor subdivisions , a minor subdivision and granted variance for a swimming pool .
The Hammonton Lake Water Quality Advisory Committee met the previous night and discussed their 2023 goals , primarily monitoring the spring 2023 application for aquatic herbicide on the lake , continuing collaboration with Stockton University , looking for new grants and doing monthly monitoring on lake conditions at Hammonton Lake , according to Bachalis .
For the Parks and Recreation Commission , commissioner Caruso-Cafiso said that the commission has leftover funds from the playground equipment and has options on what to do with the rest of the funds . Caruso-
Cafiso confirmed that there is $ 10,000 remaining that the commission has discussed using it towards bleachers for the park .
“ All the parks are in good shape and they ’ re drafting up the signs , if they wanted to add anything to the signs , we printed them up in both English and Spanish ,” Caruso-Cafiso said at the meeting .
For the Green Committee , commissioner Amy Menzel said that there was no meeting for January and will be holding their green drinks event at Harley Dawn Diner in Folsom on Jan . 19 at 6 p . m .
“ It ’ s a little quiet at the Community Garden right now but we ’ re still planning for the next season . Our seed library continues to grow and we plan for garden talks and other events for the winter ,” Menzel said . support students studying agriculture . Through this program , the ACBA wishes to encourage the scientific study of agriculture and promote it as a useful , profitable and dignified career . Education is critical to success of today ’ s agricultural entrepreneurs and the ACBA hopes that this scholarship will entice young people to pursue careers in production agriculture or one of the many related fields of study that support today ’ s farmers . This scholarship was renamed to
The commission then concluded the meeting discussing their 2023 goals with the following : completing the pollinator garden , complete Green Building / Environmental Sustainability master plan element , assist in completing Historic Preservation master plan element , complete Open Space and Recreation Plan , bring the Town web page postings up to date , collaborate with the town to complete Electric Vehicle Charging Station installation , increase public communications such as “ friends emails ” and social media , more active town and street tree care program , maintain Tree City USA designation and coordinate town-wide cleanup with the Green Committee , Lake Committee and Parks and Recreation Commission , according to the agenda .
honor the memory of David M . Rizzotte Jr . in 2016 upon the untimely passing of one of Atlantic County agriculture ’ s most strident advocates and young leaders .
A pdf fillable form can be found online at rutgers-atlantic . org .