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A fun-filled snow day
See Page 13
Three Kings Day celebrated by PRCA
See Page 4
Volume 29 • Issue 3 hammontongazette . com Wednesday , January 15 , 2025
$ 1 00
Hammonton Town Council reorganizes
HAMMONTON — The face of Hammonton Town Council did not change at the January 7 reorganization meeting . Mayor Stephen DiDonato opened the meeting and began with the oath of office for the three incumbents that regained their seats after last year ’ s election : Steven Furgione , Renee Rodio and Sam Rodio .
Each spoke on returning to their seat , appreciation to the voters and plans for the coming term .
When asked what he would like to say to the public , Furgione responded , “ First of all , just want to thank them . I appreciate the support of the residents very much . I want to thank my family too .”
As for the coming term he added , “ I ’ m still going to work on what are some of the issues . We have four or five projects coming this year .”
Renee Rodio had a similar response to the people . “ I want to say thank you for your trust and bringing me back and I hope I make you proud ,” she said . “ I
Craig Richards / THG
Above : Councilman Steven Furgione is sworn in by Assemblyman Michael Torrissi Jr . with his wife , Brandy and children , Lorenza and Giacomo by his side . Right , top : Councilwoman Renee Rodio is sworn in by Atlantic County Surrogate Jim Curcio . Rodio ’ s son Joseph Rodio is holding the Bible . Right , bottom : Councilman Sam Rodio is sworn in by Torrissi as his wife , Bernadette holds the Bible .
think this year we ’ ll continue to focus on the basics like trash collection , roads resurfacing , public works , sewer , infrastructure , over all services to the residents .”
Sam Rodio echoed the appreciation for the residents supporting him as well . “ I would like to thank them very much for voting for me and I will do the best of my ability to make the future of Hammonton great ,” he said . Promising to continue to focus on roads , infrastructure and services to the residents as he has been doing for nearly two decades .
Following the oath of office for
See COUNCIL , Page 8
Pantalones speak on 150th Feast
Carina Cafiso / THG
The Pantalones spoke on January 9 as part of the Historical Society of Hammonton ’ s Speaker Series about the upcoming 150th Feast of Our Lady of Mt . Carmel July 14-19 . Pictured above during the presentation is Joe Pantalone . For story and more photos , see Page 9 .
HPD responds to Saturday incident
HAMMONTON — At approximately 10:30 a . m . on January 11 , Hammonton Police responded to a juvenile who had barricaded himself in his own residence . Due to the age of the individual , limited information was provided .
“ We used all available resources and followed all procedures as per the attorney general guidelines in dealing with barricaded subjects . We had crisis hostage negotiators . We had a SWAT team there and we were able to resolve the incident without loss of life or injuries ,” Hammonton Police
Chief Kevin Friel said .
The chief reported that there were no individuals in the home with the juvenile at the time police attempted to resolve the issue . Police did not comment on what may have occurred prior in the day or shortly before arriving on scene that may have led to the youth barricading himself in the home .
Friel reported that the incident was resolved by about 5:40 p . m . on Saturday . Police set up near entrance roadways to the street in question during negotiations to deter residents and additional traffic from accessing the street , for safety reasons .
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