Gthe uide
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Welcome to The Guide , your quintessential weekly resource for what ’ s happening in the Shires of Southwestern Vermont .
Hi , friends ! I ’ ve been incredibly lucky to be the editor of The Vermont News Guide for the past 2 years . I now have the honor of keeping the tradition of this publication alive while also bringing it to you in an incredibly accessible way via our digital platform . It ’ s a new era for an esteemed Southwestern Vermont institution . Thank you for your continued support !
~ Megan Demarest , Editor of The Guide
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Originally launched in 1954 as The Shopping Guide ( and well known for many years as The Vermont News Guide ) THE GUIDE is now the weekly digital e-blast for Manchester Life Magazine , curated by our trusted editor , Megan Demarest .
While Manchester Life Magazine covers the “ big stories ” of the region twice a year , this is a weekly eNewsletter emailed to 16,700 + opt-in subscribers every Wednesday and features a minimum of eight events happening that week . The content is also featured on manchesterlifemagazine . com .
Fundraising Breakfast
Manchester Fire Department would like to announce our fundraising breakfast being held at 60 Jeff Williams Way in Manchester at the Fire House on November 10 from 7am to 11am . Serving all your favorites : pancakes , eggs , bacon , sausage , home fries , coffee , and juice . Adults $ 12 .
Senior Luncheon
The Go Getters invite all seniors to join us for lunch on November 6 at 11:45am . It will be at St . Paul ’ s Hall on Bonnet Street in Manchester , VT . The cost is $ 4 . Volunteers are bringing pies . Bingo will follow the luncheon . To make reservations , call Sally at 802-375-9780 .
THE GUIDE advertising space fills up quickly , so book early !
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WEEKLY ENEWSLETTER Emailed to 16.7K + opt-in subscribers
Over 47 % open rate ENEWSLETTER AD Top Banner 800 x 150 $ 250 / wk
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ENEWSLETTER SPONSORED CONTENT In body of eNewsletter — $ 300 / wk
• Event photo : 600 X 600 px , . jpeg
• event title up to 25 characters
• descriptive sentence up to 40 words
• include date , time , price , event link
• due 5 days prior to start date
ENEWSLETTER TAKEOVER Top Banner , Bottom Oversized Banner & One Sponsored Post — $ 350 / wk
The Guide is Emailed EVERY WEDNESDAY !
Editorial Deadline : Fridays at 12pm for Wednesday release . editor @ vtnewsguide . com
Advertising Deadline : Monday at 10am for Wednesday release .
‘ The Sceptered Isle ’
Burr and Burton Academy seniors , Tyler Keyes and Jordan Houghtaling , recently put their cinematography skills to use by recording Counterpoint , Vermont ’ s premier professional vocal ensemble , in concert presenting The Sceptered Isle . The film will be presented on the big screen at the Walker Farm Theatre in Weston , VT , on November 13 at 7pm , and in the Bell Tower at Founders Hall , Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester , VT , on November 16 at 5pm . Counterpoint Soprano , Anne D ’ Olivo , will give a short introduction .
Anita Kunz Exhibit
Norman Rockwell Museum ( NRM ) is excited to announce Anita Kunz : Original Sisters , Portraits of Tenacity and Courage , a forthcoming exhibition of artworks by internationally acclaimed Canadian illustrator Anita Kunz . On view from November 9 through May 26 , 2025 , Anita Kunz : Original Sisters presents selections from the artist ’ s groundbreaking series of portraits of diverse and extraordinary women from ancient times to today , many unknown or underrecognized . An opening reception will take place on November 9 from 5pm to 7pm .
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