The Gryphon 2014 | Page 3

All Change Please, All Change… It’s no secret that The Streetly Academy has undergone a great deal of change in the past decade, but Sophie Briggs begins to unravel the nitty-gritty. Legend has it that, years ago, the school that is now The Streetly Academy was an entirely different institution. Rumour has it that top buttons were undone and Frog was merely a tadpole in the whirlpool of life. Changes to the school include a vast number of improvements to both the buildings and teaching systems which have impacted positively on all who attend the school. The improvements have impacted hugely on the aesthetic appeal of the school and have also allowed it to gain Sports College Status as well as becoming an Academy. Changes to the school have not gone unnoticed and are not only shown by the changes to the school buildings but also the attitudes to the pupils in it. The introduction of ‘Sleuth’, a reward system to credit good behaviour and reward students with trips to Alton Towers and iTunes Vouchers, has prompted pupils to get as many positive sleuths as possible. As well as crediting the good behaviour of students, ‘Sleuth’ is designed to iron out any negative issues that may occur, meaning that the school is the best it can be. This ideology of fulfilling its potential is also aided by the ‘PRIDE’ values instilled in everyday school life to ensure that the pupils and teachers enjoy themselves, and serve the community. The Streetly Academy, recently reviewed as outstanding in Ofsted reports has developed into an academy full of inspiration and hope for the young people in it, which allows them to get the best start in life for their future. Streetly make it their utmost importance to ensure all pupils have a wide range of opportunities to succeed in life. They ensure that when pupils leave they have had the best possible education and opportunities that can be offered!