Elena and her friends into the supernatampire diaries is a show for
ural world of Mystic Falls, where it is
teens I would say it’s a mix of drama
plagued by vampires, werewolves,
and romance and a little bit of horror as witches, double gangers, and original
well. Some of characters are Damon
vampires. As a result, Elena and her
Salvatore is played by Ian Somerhalder. friends have made eneAnd Elena gilbert is played by Nina Do- mies including the original vampires/
brev, and Stefan Salvatore is played
the Michaelson Family
by Paul Wesley. The basic setting of the and Katerina Petrova and later Silas and
vampire diaries
the travelers. The series also focuses on
is Covington Georgia but in the show
the lives of Elena's friends and other
the main place is in a town
inhabitants of the fictional town of
called Mystic falls, Virginia it takes
Mystic Falls, Virginia. The series is a mix
time or was established
of teen drama and the supernatural.
on september10, 2009 it became public
In this show I think what really got to
on television as well. This show will
me was the music. the music
make you want to watch more its ingot intense on the scary parts and
tense and it will get you thinking at
would make me jump at times. when
some parts of the episodes. This show
the scenes were sad the music would
makes you have mixed emotions in
make me want to cry. The music set the
every episode.
mood for the scenes and episodes it
would use pathos to keep you interested in the episode it caught your attenThis show was developed by Kevtion. another thing that caught my
in Williamson and Julie Plec. It was
attention was costume and set design
based on the book series of the same
they were episodes or scenes where it
name. The series follows the life of 17took place in the old days and they
year old Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev),
made look realistic. They made it look
who falls in love with a centuries old
realistic by the costumes they used and
vampire named Stefan Salvatore
the set design they used as well they
(Paul Wesley) and his brothmade it look old fashioned and realistic
er Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder)
even though it wasn’t.
also a vampire. As a result, this draws
24 | The Growler
Also, in this show another aspect I
found fascinating was the acting. The
characters in the show made it look like
it was real life they showed very good
emotions and facial expressions. Also, I
say this show is mostly for teens to
watch because in this show it’s about a
girl and her teen life and drama. And
basically all the characters or the main
characters are teen and their life. This
show involves vampires which I think is
interesting it catches your attention
and makes you think about different
things. And sometimes you wonder is
this real or is this fake. In some parts of
this show people can relate to
the problems and situations.
In conclusion, I recommend this show t
o teens and like I said it will make you
want to watch more it will catch your
attention. It will also play with your
emotions and make you scared at times
it’s a good show to watch. It will also
make you think at times and make you
wonder about things. If you like getting
scared and like mysteries, then you will
like this show and just saying
it involves a lot with blood and many
crime scenes and dead bodies and
witch craft.
-Jazmin Castaneda