In the month of October, Unity hosted the
National End Bullying Awareness by wearing
“We need to ?nd out if this is a problem
orange on Wednesdays (W.O.W).
here. Everyone is or already went through it and
hiding it. Obviously they don’t want to bring it up
Every Wednesday, Unity encouraged
or tal k about it. So in that case, were here to ask
students to wear orange on wednesdays for the
people to share their experiences and to not be
month of October. There has been a major
afraid because they are among friends and
problem with the district this year so the Unity
people they can trust.” says Addison Hill, a past
class was asked to recognize the National End
member of the Unity group.
Bullying Awareness month. By wearing orange,
Unity send a message saying that they
Bullying has become a problem in the past
encourage the end of bullying.
but people can overcome it in the future. The
Unity group is wearing orange on Wednesday to
“Although we can’t stop the problem or
show their support to end bullying awareness
whenever its happening, we can at least try to
month. As this event progresses,I am certain that
help people that you just don’t expect it to
there will be less bullying school and district
happen to “ said Unity student, Mariana
Alvarado, age 17.
“W.O.W. is so that people understand that
Angel Lara and Emmanuel , both Unity
people have been bullied, so much so that its
students , unanimously agree that bullying has a
become a huge problem in all of the schools.”
negative impact on people and how they think.
says Anthony, age 17,” We hope to help the
Unity is trying to put a stop to bullying on CNUSD
victims of bullying and let them know that they
campus, or at least prevent it from escalating into
are not alone.”
something bigger.
-Article & Pictures by Melissa Rivera
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