The Growler Nov/Dec 2016 | Page 18

Veterans day

I t is the day to remember as the official end of the First World War . Veter- way including creating mini monuments ,

This day is remembered in various
ans Day is also celebrated in other writing to veterans , parades , flying the flag parts of the world , where it is known correctly , giving donations , and banquet as either Remembrance Day or Armistice celebrations . Veterans deserve a special Day . It was on November 11 , 1918 that the day for themselves because of all the risk Germans signed the armistice to mark the they have taken for us . end of the First World War , and therefore the day become known as Armistice Day . The legislation of twenty-seven That year on October , eighth president D . states of ours have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday . An im-
Eisenhower issued the first Veteran ’ s Day proclamation .
portant note to remember is never confuse
18 | The Growler