Fifth large-scale gully remediation for LDC
Treatment of a large-scale actively eroding alluvial gully complex near Collinsville is LDC ’ s fifth largescale gully remediation site .
P4 | Grit Issue 26 , Winter , 2022 , June
Boots on the ground
Work to prioritise BBB gully rehabilitation
LDC and Griffith University mapped gullies in the BBB to help prioritise gully rehabilitation projects . Ground verification work has also been completed to keep the project on track to tackle gully hotspots .
Field days show landholders the process
LDC has hosted field days at the Havilah and Gattonvale large-scale gully remediation site to bring landholders in at the beginning so they can see firsthand what is involved in remediating a gully .
Get onto our list of qualified contractors
Q Dry Tropics is updating its register of contractors to work on large-scale gully remediation projects in the BBB .