The Grit — SUMMER 2023 | Page 20

Soil Health with David Hardwick
@ Woodstock
16 September
LEFT : Good soil begins with good structure ... David Hardwick explaining how to assess the basic properties of your property ’ s soil .
Pictured with presenter Soil Land Food agroecologist David Hardwick ( kneeling ) are , from left : Jenny Bolton , Jo Green , Chris and Elisabeth Poole , Rebecca Randells , Maggie Mitchell and NQ Dry Tropics Senior Project Officer Carleigh Drew .
Soil Land Food agroecologist David Hardwick with Heather Mitchell , 11 , conducting a pH test , with Jenny Bolton counting organisms and Elisabeth Poole examining compression in top-soil samples .
P20 P20 | Grit | Grit Issue Issue 28 , 29 Winter , Summer 2023 2023 , June , December