The Grit — SUMMER 2023 | Page 17



First Aid Course @ Charters Towers
18 October
You couldn ’ t wish for a better setting for a Rural First Aid course at the Charters Towers Rugby Club .
NQ Dry Tropics Senior Grazing Officer Carleigh Drew ’ s thumb looked the part but she didn ’ t nail the “ stressed ” look .
Impulse Training Director Vicki Revett demonstrating on patient Josh Nicholls from NQ Dry Tropics .
Jason Heading from Harvest Home Station ministers to Dan Lyons from Niall Station .
Warwick Kingham and patient Alisha Guild .
Josh Nicholls bandages Carleigh Drew ’ s arm .
John Lyons treats wife Rhonda for snakebite .
Grit Grit Issue Issue 29 , 29 , Summer 2023 2023 , , December | P17 P17