The Grit - SUMMER 2022 | Page 8

Grassroots thinking behind the program
Other investments ...
LDC — looking back , looking forward

Grassroots thinking behind the program

Why is the BBB in the spotlight ?

NQ Dry Tropics is piloting a suite of landscape interventions and land management efforts at catchment-scale to improve water quality and long-term sustainable land management in the Bowen Broken Bogie ( BBB ).

This work is funded by the Queensland Government through the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program , and the Australian Government through the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and the Reef Trust Partnership .
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The project was born from recommendations made by the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce . This project was called Landholders Driving Change ( LDC ), a reflection of the grassroots led Major Integrated Project model .
The underlying premise of LDC was that every grazier had different knowledge , resources , motivations and barriers and , consequently , ‘ one size fits all ’ solutions did not deliver the necessary landscapelevel changes required .
LDC was designed from the ‘ ground up ’, with actions and support targeted to landholder needs in a flexible , tailored way . LDC trialled a mix of new and conventional activities to achieve land management outcomes at a landscape scale , providing a foundation for the adoption of improved management practices for increased sustainability , profitability and for management of erosion and sediment loss .

Other investments ...

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There are additional projects rolling out in

Collinsville region that will be leveraged t delivery of water quality outcomes within the As the regional program manager , NQ Dry Tr
P8 | Grit Issue 27 , Summer 2022 , December