The Grit - SUMMER 2022 | Page 6

Havilah Station remediation progressing
Technical designs coming for Belmore
Small scale gully monitoring to continue
Stay informed ... be in on the conversation
P6 | Grit Issue 27 , Summer 2022 , December
Large-scale gullies

Havilah Station remediation progressing

Treatment of a large actively eroding alluvial gully complex at Havilah Station will start early next year . Preparatory works were carried out earlier this year to address the active portions of the gully complex .

Technical designs coming for Belmore

Detailed technical design plans are being developed to remediate a largescale gully system on Belmore Station , near Collinsville .

Small scale gully monitoring to continue

Take a squizz at how gully remediation efforts are holding up . NQ Dry Tropics has secured funding to maintain and monitor gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020 . Here ’ s a snapshot .

Stay informed ... be in on the conversation


ave you checked out our Conversations Series page ? It ’ s packed with video presentations , including ABC ’ s Muster Dogs winner Frank Finger , one of the speakers at our Top Rail Forums held this year .