Graziers get hands-on with ‘ next-level data ’
Getting grassroots feedback about gullies
Graziers get hands-on with ‘ next-level data ’
Four BBB properties will get a chance to see firsthand how the weight gain data from an in-paddock weighing system can benefit their business .
The intitiative , a part of the Landholders Driving Change project has been championed by Glenalpine grazier Barry O ’ Sullivan who believes it will be educational around the frequency with which cattle are moved to fresh pasture .
Weetalaba grazier Reid Muirhead has the unit at the moment , and will pass it on to neighbouring Havilah Station at the end of the year . After about six weeks , Mr Muirhead said he could already see its value .
Glenalpine grazier Barry O ’ Sullivan explains the benefits of the system during a workshop at his Bogie property .
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Getting grassroots feedback about gullies
Graziers are working with NQ Dry Tropics to gain a common understanding of gullies including what causes erosion , how best to fix them , and how to maintain them . The in-the-paddock conversation highlights the challenge of working with sodic soil and the need for considered and planned maintenance .
The Landholders Driving Change ( LDC ) project is funded by the Queensland Government through the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program .
P2 P2 | Grit | Grit Issue 32 32 , September , , 2024 , 2024