Low Stress Stock Handling workshop
attended a two-day
low stress stock handling
school at Strathalbyn
Station with leading
education Jim
Lindsay in mid-
Roundtable for policy and regulatory issues
will host a policy roundtable
L This DC
in Townsville in the New Year.
will be the second roundtable
to facilitate engagement between
landholders and government
decision makers on relevant policy
and regulatory issues that could
impact landholders in the
BBB catchment.
Workshop will look at veg laws and reef regs
he LDC project is planning
a one day workshop
to unpack the vegetation
management laws and reef
regulations - how will they
impact graziers.
The workshop is
expected to be held
early next year.
Latest report card on the Great Barrier Reef
he latest
reports on
Great Barrier
Reef water
quality are
P6 | Grit Issue 16, October, 2019