The Grit - June, 2024 | Page 5

Day and 20-year anniversary celebration
Black soil gully evokes vivid memories

Day and 20-year anniversary celebration

THE grit

James Allen , Principal Environmental Engineer at the Neilly Group , ( pictured ), said if landscape could not be repaired through practice change , large-scale intervention — earthworks and amelioriation — was required . He said the remediation set it up for land managers to apply best practice grazing regimes to ensure an enduring result . These photos were taken from opposite ends of the gully in 2018 ( left ) before work began and ( right ), during the workshop .

Black soil gully evokes vivid memories

Whenever Bristow Hughes inspects a particular paddock at Strathalbyn , he is visited by a vivid memory of how difficult it used to be to to run cattle there and , even more difficult to get them back out .
MLA War on Weeds
The Hughes family has completed several projects with NQ Dry Tropics , including the Meat & Livestock Australia ( MLA ) Regenerative Grazing and Integrated Weed Management Producer Demonstration Sites ( PDS ).
Their interest in being part of the PDS projects was because of their holistic integrated approach to improve business productivity and profitability .
Grit Grit Issue Issue 31 31 , June , June , 2024 , 2024 | P5 | P5