The Grit - June, 2024 | Page 3

THE grit

Traditional Owners brush up on monitoring skills

NQ Dry Tropics hosted VegCAT and Photo Point monitoring training for Traditional Owners and Indigenous groups of the Burdekin Dry Tropics region at Mt Pleasant Station , near Bowen .
Fifteen participants from five different Indigenous Ranger and Traditional Owner groups participated in the two-day course .
Hayden Saltner , Queensland Parks and Wildlife .
Shout out to Mt Pleasant graziers Jamie Gordon and Garlone Moulin for hosting the event .
It was a great day , check out the photos .
NQ Dry Tropics staff , from left , Julie Funnell , Jaymie Rains , Jaeda Lenoy , Karen Vidler and Trinity Georgetown with Mt Pleasant graziers Garlone Moulin , second from left , and Jamie Gordon , third from right .
The Landholders Driving Change Program is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government ’ s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation .
Grit Issue 31 31 , , June , , 2024 | P3 | P3